Saturday, April 23, 2011


Every single time I watch Volver I want to:
Move to Spain
Speak fluent Spanish
Marry Penelope Cruz

As a whole movie its brilliant, punchy script, vivid colours, solid performances, a well thought out story, and Penelope Cruz.

She actually gets more and more beautiful as the movie goes on.

Javier Bardem is one lucky Hombre!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Along with Quiffs, I'm all over Blasians these days.

I've always said to my family I'd marry an Asian, and to satisfy their subconscious need for me to marry a black person, I think its the better of two evils. Plus they always have good hair-not that that's a prerequisite of mine or anything.

Now I realise Devon Aoki isn't black, but ever since I saw her in VIBE magazine, (which obviously validates her street cred),when I was like 14 I've been hooked. She's just too beautiful for words!

Trinity Ball 2011

Another Year
Another Great Liine-Up

Shame I didn't go. Next Year though!

You know you have a problem when

Your dad tells you about his new diplomatic post and for the rest of the day you're in a bad mood. In fairness to Ethiopia they do have a few nice things going for them including this lady:

But i'm already dreading it because my mum is on her usual 'I'll send you to live with your dad' trip. I wouldnt mind if i had something that was taking me there, other than going to live with my dad, like work or college but so far nothing. I REALLY need to stop doing this because I managed to turn New York City into one of those places i hate and that has turned into one of the BIGGEST regrets of my life! So yeah hopefully with a bit of research and a good long chat I'll learn to love Ethiopia!
