Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Incredible Shrinking Man

Almost 6 years on and I still put off making regular posts to this blog. Part of me knows nobody is going to read it so there in lies an excuse not to post but I made a promise to myself to have a place where I've put my thoughts down and look back on them from time to time. What's new with me you ask? Well nothing really. I'm back in Ireland again and the weather has been a shit pot from the minute I stepped off the plane on New Year's Day. To add to that my body hasn't quite been the same since about November and that has me in a terrible funk of late. I'm sure its nothing but rather than comfort myself in blissful ignorance, I'd like a medical professional to tell me that there's nothing wrong with me after they work their magic on me. Once that's confirmed then I'll throw myself back into a proper fitness, nutrition and general well-being regime and really take care of myself from now on. I'm also waiting to start a Digital Marketing course to tie me down until I start my masters. It's a short programme but I feel it will give me a good insight into an industry I'm planning to forge a career in. I believe people should strive to make careers out of their hobbies, its seems to have worked for Alexa Chung et al so there's some hope for me at least. There's nothing happening in my love life, but even if there was I feel its slightly crass to go broadcasting it on a public forum. If and when I find myself in a relationship, or something that resembles one, I'll be sure to make a passing comment on it. Other than that no major developments in my life, and hopefully it stays that way. =]
