Friday, October 30, 2009

you got me stuntin'

ok i could have sworn slava mogutin just walked by me there, it wouldnt surprise me...i've seen weirder things today. Anyway i'm just waiting for leila and her friend to get into town then off to war for us, finally. Hopefully it wont be like that time i went to le cirque, i doubt that because i always end up hammered when i go out with leila and everyone. Oh by the way i called the doctor and they said i'm fine but then it turn mum's got high cholesterol :( she'll be fine she's been thriugh worse. Well i'go now cuz they're on their way so i'll let you know how it wrnt. Also tomorrow is going to be super messy.....cannot WAIT!

disposable income

Let me just say, this was it was amazing. Now i know everyone wont be on the i love michael jackson train but from the footage i saw last night...michael jackson was a genius. From the effortless dancing to the attention to detail to the arrangements for the songs. That tour would have been epic. I saw him in 96 but even that wouldnt have come close to the spectacle that would have been. But back to me, still havent finished my costume, so i'm going with plan b...i wont say what plan b is in case someone copies me but hopefully people like it. Anyway i'm off to bed now because my eyes are heavy and my heads hurting me. Peace out

p.s. i kind of want one of those ridiculous balmain jackets now too!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

get your ticket right

the past two days in college have been strange, i actually gave a shit about what we were saying...well probably becuase i was listening for once. Who knew social class structures would be so interesting. The only bad thing is that for the other subject, strategiv management i need the internet and i've been reduced to using my phone instead of a computer-my mums decided to switch our internet service from irish broadband to VODAFONE of all companies....i dunno why she hates eircom so much! Anyway i'm getting ready to go see This Is It with my mum and sister, which i never would have done 5 years ago bit hey i've learned to appreciate those closest to me while i have them because just like michael i could be dead tomorrow. And on that cryptic note i'll catch you later

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Time travel for dummies

They said time travel was impossible, well we all technically just travelled an hour back in time. I'm sitting here flicking back and forth between 90210 and Angela's Ashes, and it gets me every time-i have it on dvd so shanae grimes wins this one. Still two minds about my costume for saturday but now i need glitter and glue, and possibly poster paint......and cat ears, if anyone knows where i can get the following, let me know. Goodnight and thank you

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Smile. Let them think you're happy

I saw this linked on someones facebook and i have to say it made my day- god love your one though! Well aside from X-factor and lunch with my aunt and her kids. Actually aside from not sleeping properly last night i've had a great day. Lord willing i'll have a good week, god knows i need it-i've SO much work to catch up on in college i actually dont want to think about it. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and i'm gobsmacked at how i've grown the past few years. Thinking a letter to myself is in order.

In other news, Halloween weekend is going to be FILTHY:

Thursday- American Apparel/SPY party (should be good enough)
Friday- WAR(i STILL havent been yet, better not fall through)
Saturday- TRANMISSION(havent been in an age and i cant wait!)

still dont know what to do for a costume, but found a cardboard box today so i'll start from there.

Ce de Safe!
