Monday, December 28, 2009


All this crappy weather and i think i've caught a cold! Just when i'm trying to [ut my head down and study for my exams. Oh by the way i'm to have a 15 page document ready for my supervisor (business plan) before the 31st...and i've to go out for dermot's going away party. Seriously, new years resolution is to stop procrastinating it really gets you nowhere!


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Errrrrbody

Christmas was ok this year. Even though it was just the three of us and we didnt go to my uncle's like we do every year, it was ok. no arguments, no indigestion, good tv, good food, although i was bored shitless from about 6-9 but i got over that eventually. taking me shopping tomorrow as part of my present, and my sisters coming too-and she owes me a birthday AND christmas present and my dad said he's going to get me that laptop i've been asking when he goes to New York(where he'll be for the next 4 years!)......yussssss! WAR's on tomorrow night, i'm not sure if i'll bother to be honest. I say that now.........but who knows

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm home an hour from my aunty's birthday. We were at a buffet in a chinese resteraunt-STUFFED! And not in a good way, my stomach's actually in bits...and this lemon tea isnt helping matters. So I went to the doctor yesterday to see what's wrong with me, because i've been feeling a bit iffy the past few days. Basically i'm just lazy or stressed, but he did say if my symptoms persist in the next 3 months i should go back to him. On that note, my current weight is 9.5 stone, or just under 60kilos. Why does this matter? well just under 4 months ago i was nearly 11stone, if not 11 and a half. I've a strong feeling i'm just stressed, because i've had some pretty close calls with college over the past 12 weeks and i've another 12 weeks to look forward to after my exams and then a lovely 10,000 word business plan to have prepared by May. On the plus side i'm going to see Avatar tomorrow with Scott tomorrow, in 3-D! Lets hope this its good.

But on a completely different note, i went to give my friend a christmas card from my family to his, only to be told that this guy that we both know died over the past few days. I dont know how to take such news so i was just standing at the door staring at his mother when she told me. Now my friend was better friends with him, i only ever saw him the odd time and when we were younger I wasnt so keen on him. As time went on I realised he wasnt so bad. I just really hope he didnt suffer when he left this life. I'm going to buy my friend a card tomorrow and have a big long catch up with him just like we used to.

ps, if that seemed like a sporadic post i apologise i didnt sleep last night and i've been up all day and it looks like i'll be up all night becase The End of The Affair is on at like 3am :S

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I actually cant wait to see this! There's always a wave of good movies out at this time...i love the hollywood studio system!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Letter to myself at 16

Dear 16 year old me,

Where in God's name do i start? Today's you're 21st birthday so its only fitting to depress yourself on the choices ypu made up until this point. Ideally this should be a letter to yourself at 12 because thats when everything started to get weird. First and foremost learn to like yourself. You'll realise in 10years time that you actually like Certain things about yourself. You'll learn to accept your dark skin. You'll learn to appreciate your brown eyes. Eventually you'll learn to LOVE your name...not everyone has it. actually scratch that

You lived your life based on what you thought other people thought you shouold do.You smoked for 10 years because you thought all your friends are doing so you should to. You also drank in those 10 years but still to this day are drunk after 3 pints. You had slight self esteem issues but have learned to appreciate how God made you. You also had an interesting view on God and the whole concept of religion, however you've also learned to appreciate what you know and are now trying to build up on said knowledge. Over the years you've had a particular sense of style in mind but people areound you, namely yur mother and sister have always stopped you from fully expressing it-note to self DONT LISTEN TO THEM! you'll only be able to pull off some of these things in your youth. Learn to appreciate the gravity of certain situations. Don't always think they will have a story book/hollywood ending because those rarely happen...and if they do its because you put in the hard work and effort to resolve cretain issues. For God's sake pick up some books when you're bored and read them, they're not just random words printed on're imagination(as wild as it is) will use them to transport you to another world if you allow it. Also apply yourself in school it wont kill you, in fact if you do so you'll end up in a nice 3rd level college and meet some really interesting people...and if despite the fact you chose not to you'll still meet some pretty interesting people. Again dont make certain choices based on what they're doing-we're all different after all! Take time out to take care of yourself. Excercise. Yes thats right EXCERCISE. You hate football, but you like tennis. You loved gymnastics so why not try it out in your spare time again. You'll realise when you're 18 that you want nothing more than to act. Follow that feeling and dont give up. You'll also realise the sacrifices you're parents made for you to get to this point in your life. Like I said, apply yourself and show them that you appreciate their efforts and for Gods sake DONT REPEAT SECOND YEAR....and if you are going to bring notes into an exam dont wear Ralph Lauren Cargos!

Finally, do you're best to find someone who loves you for you. not for who you think you should be but who you actually are. There's no better feeling in the world knowing you dont have to kill yourself to impress someone. Now you should write one of these every year to yourself and see how you're life has changed and if you've learned from your mistakes and what great accomplishments you've made. Or just to see what you got up to. Wishing you many happy returns, long life and good health

Your 21 year old self!

p.s. learn to do things when you are told and not when you feel like it!
p.p.s try and become fluent in french!

Friday, December 4, 2009


I got my first result back today and i got 63%, but i was pissed off for some reason. i know i sound ungrateful which i'm not, i'm delighted i passed, its just i lost marks for stuff i could have avoided. i know full well the next two will probably be around the same mark or below so i'm going to have to knock these exams out of the park. on that note the timetable is really good we have like 4 days between each paper so there's LOADS of time to study. Anyway i'm off to have some camomile tea and go to bed i've a busy busy weekend ahead of me


I'll be sick of this in two weeks

but its on full blast for the time being!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm awfully jealous of.....

Nicholas Hoult all of a sudden. I mean first he was in about a boy, then he went off and did skins, as polarised as it may have been it was a good show. Now he's off promoting A Single Man and you just know Tom Fords giving him freebies for all his press calls. He's living the life really

Just don't screw things up Nicky!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Keep on stepping and you'll be fine

I'm so excited for WAR this friday. Its gonna be a pillow fight/pyjama party.....this should be interesting!
