Thursday, February 24, 2011

I want what cant have

And it really pisses me off sometimes. I get this overwhelming desire to have or own things that I know are reasonably out of my reach. Yet the things that are within my reach I don't bother with, for one reason or another (usually some excuse I create as to why I cant have them). I keep saying I'll put a stop to it and go after these things but that's become a broken record in my head now so maybe I need another mantra or finally stop making excuses for things that can be easily resolved!

In other news, our house was broken into on Monday and loads of things were taken, yet we managed to find a message behind all of it. Aside from the obvious (lock your windows and doors), don't place importance on material things. They can be replaced, and often times with better things. Strip back the excesses in your life and enjoy the simple things.

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