Saturday, November 30, 2013

We now return to regularly scheduled programming

It's hard to believe I still think this blog is worth updating but alas here we are. I read through my old posts a few nights ago and that's what inspired me to continue. Some of the shit I was preoccupied with back then is comical, considering all that has happened since then! 

I'm writing this all the way in Ethiopia, 6 days before the first major milestone age a person will reach in their life. For some people 16, 18 and 21 are the big ones and i've long since passed those. They're but a distant memory for me now, some fond and some I would rather forget. My birthday used to come as a source of excitement but now its just another day. There are more important things for me to deal with at this point in my life, and I feel I need to write how I deal with them down somewhere. Maybe some day in the future I'll look back at this point in my life the same way I looked the moments I blogged about in the past. Hopefully at that stage I'll actually have a life that makes sense and gives me some sense of joy and fulfilment. 

In any case all I wanted to say for now is I'm back and in the wise words of Kimberly Jones..."You cant keep a bad b*tch down!"


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