Saturday, April 25, 2009


i stumbled across this youtube gem yeasterday. i'm all for personal expression and everything but this is just vulgar.

the only redeemable thing here would be his gold rope chain, i've been looking all over for one but i still cant find one-if anyone knows where i can get one please leave a comment.....i dont want to resort to going to homebase and looking through the spools of chains again! in other news, we went to see 17 again the other night, and i hate to admit but it wasnt half bad.

fair dues to zac efron, its good to see that he can carry off a leading role-he even makes himself cry at the end(i dunno if that counts as a spoiler but meh whateve). he's got some mad b-ball skills too, either that or the CGI team did a great job in the cafeteria scene! the next logical step for him would be to take on an edgier role, because he's too sweet for my liking. yeah it fills seats and keeps the studio heads happy but i'm sure he'll get tired and want to try something new(the fact he turned down footloose, which incidentally might be going to chace crawford of all people-i dont even know if he can sing/dance, is a clear indication!) lets hope me and orson welles is good ok this is turning into a zac efron post, and that wasnt my intention i've to start packing for nigeria soon, uuuuuuggggggh. i dunno if i should bother packing any skinnys, my mum said i'd be attacked by almajiri muslims if i did, plus its waaaay to hot for that shit. i'm think shorts and linen trousers should do the trick. and some ray-bans too ;) right i'm off to beddykins



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