Thursday, April 16, 2009

beep beep dot beep beep

My ass is still killing me! i wasnt expecting a full recovery overnight but the pain should have at least subsided...but NO! I'm still hobbling around like some OAP, no offence to any of you out there. I just realised my life is incredibly mundane/boring, i'm not exactly sure if they mean the same thing but they sounded nice together. I've officially decided that after july i'm going to live life with NO regrets. AT ALL. We're only here on earth once so we might as well live it up, drink it down and fuck it while its hot(i'm not saying turn it into fuckfest '09 but you get the point!) I'm going to make a list of goals to achieve in the next few years and see if i'll get them done. First on the list is to get my mum to shut up when mad men is on, fook sake!

Think i'll head into town and get something for WAR on friday, fingers crossed it'll be a messy


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