Wednesday, July 28, 2010

major on the minor and minor on the major

That's the conclusion my sister reached about our dad. Now that's kind of harsh but in reality he does like to nit pick at things he really doesn't need to, or rather he doesn't know how to let petty things slide without making some sort of sarcastic/condescending comment.

Case in point on Sunday, he went off at me for wearing this!

Apparently he doesn't want me to be seen near him ,in public, with such things written on my shirt because it means I'm in support of 'such a philosophy'.

The truth is I got that tshirt free with an issue of Vice, and it was hot as hell in so that was what I wanted to wear. Not because I subscribe to the notion that to lead a successful life you should be stupid....which in some ways if you look at it actually does kinda help but that's for another day. He seems to have a problem with certain things I do and to be honest in this situation I couldn't give a shit because I'm not about to make myself uncomfortable or change how I act to humor someone else. I'd MUCH prefer keepin it real and having a good time-which is also a problem our 'generation' has according to poppa dear. RANT OVER

In other news, my sister got in last Thursday and is being a bit of a dry-shite so far. Extended jet lag could be a reason but knowing my sister she's just lazy as per usual. I'm dying for a night out in some dive bar in the east village but that's wishful thinking, maybe when I'm in Boston this weekend.

I just wish this was Summer '06 =[

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