Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Alternative and Affordable

I REALLY DON'T want to go home! But all good things must come to an end, but there's still so much for me to do...in theory that is (my flight is at 10pm tonight so I'm keeping it local until next time). I've had lots of fun, I've met some interesting people, seen a whole other way of living that has me all sorts of excited, travelled out of New York a couple of times, spent way more money than I should have, learnt a lot more about myself and the people around me, been put in awkward situations but made the best of them, learned to appreciate the opportunities I've been given, still haven't decided what I'm going to do when I go back home, still sit and daydream how my life is going to turn out.

I'll paraphrase some guy I heard on the street and say this: "If you don't have friends or money...you're nothing in this town!" And he couldn't be anymore correct. Not having familiar faces really does put you in your place here and teaches you to appreciate those who your close to. If I could have changed one thing it would have been having my best friends with me. Ah well at least I'm home in 24 hours and get to go to WAR on Friday. =

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