Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Like fine wine she seems to be getting better with age. She was great in Scarface, AMAZING in Dangerous Liasions...and who can forget her as Catwoman. Twenty years later and she's still got it!

Around the world

Is it possible to die standing up? I'm pretty sure i'm on my way there because the last time i had a full nights sleep was last friday night! Guess what

I'M HOME!!!! But my boxes didnt make it, think they're wither on another dublin bound plane or on their way to my house...hopefully the latter. Ugh i'm so happy to be back. No more smelly internet cafes, no more epileptic power supplies, no more wall geckos and lizards. NO MORE NIGERIA!!!!!!! Ok i'm probably not making much sense, bear with me, i guess its a weird mix of excitment tiredness. Anyway i've actually got SO much shit to do but if my box doesnt come through i'm screwed because most of my stuff for college is in there and ALL my clothes too. Well i'm off for a cup of tea with my mum and sister.I miss my dad....ok i must be REALLY tired


Monday, July 27, 2009

I've got you, under my skin

Someone out there obviously wants me to stay in this country! I'm supposed to be 40minutes into my flight home but NO i'm STILL in abuja. I'm past giving out and tearing my eyes out and now i'm actually kind of worried about my assignment. Its due monday and i havent started it yet. Aside from that there's no word on whats going on for TAC in august...was there even one in July?? Either way they better make with the deets so i know what i'm working with.

In a weird way i'm going to miss this place. Not so much the place as the family to be specific. The foods been amazing, i've to go back and starve myself for a while. Right i'm going, next post should HOPEFULLY be from my bed in dublin!


Monday, July 20, 2009

Je suis fier de vous

Last night after 20 years of guessing my father finally says something that really shocked me. Despite all the crap thats gone on between us over the years he actually said it. Right there to me and my sister. "I'm pretty DAMN proud of you. Both of you". Truth be told i'm in a great mood all of a sudden and i'm going to make the most of this last week. My cousin who threatened to kill me 2 years ago is home from college-because the ASUU is on strike indefinately! So i might buzz down to him for a bit of banter, when he isnt on something or drunk he's pretty sound. My dad said he'd buy my phone for me, seeing as my sis kinda fecked me over, so i'm getting a blackberry...even though i HATE QWERTY keypads. Anyway i've been on the same ticket for 3 hours so i'm going before anyone notices.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

We are a family like a giant tree

Right i'm going to stop using such cheesy songs as titles.

Got back from the village where my parents grew up today, kinda weird to be honest. There's like 3 generations of my family back there and we didnt even see half of the people we were supposed to. Took a few pictures but couldnt be arsed sticking them up yet. I've only got a week and a bit left here so i'm pumped for going home. Sort of realised i wasted my trip as usual but meh according to my dad i've wasted every decent opportunity i've been given so why stop now! I don't know why i even bother coming home sometimes, yeah its nice to stay connected, yeah its nice to see my grandparents, yeah its nice to get money off my dad but does it always have to be for 2-3 months at a stretch. For fuck sake like. Ugh i've to start packing, and my sisters got 2 years of crap she's hauling back with her.... cant wait to see our baggae weight when we check in!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Awwwwh snap

Right i've caught the photography bug and i want to act fast before i lose interest in it, as i always do with other things-tennis, gymnastics, my academics :P I'm loving juergen tellers pictures right but i'm not in the mood of spending like 500e on a Contax G2....

So can which camera's give the same effect but don't cost 10% of my college fees



Who knew Cammy D. had it in her to rock it out like this. Bitch is working like she's paying the rent and its due tomorrow!!(don't worry thats the first and LAST time i'll try and be hood). People are comparing it to Gwen Stefani's cover all those months back but meh whatever, i'm digging this cover. Enjoy
