Saturday, July 18, 2009

We are a family like a giant tree

Right i'm going to stop using such cheesy songs as titles.

Got back from the village where my parents grew up today, kinda weird to be honest. There's like 3 generations of my family back there and we didnt even see half of the people we were supposed to. Took a few pictures but couldnt be arsed sticking them up yet. I've only got a week and a bit left here so i'm pumped for going home. Sort of realised i wasted my trip as usual but meh according to my dad i've wasted every decent opportunity i've been given so why stop now! I don't know why i even bother coming home sometimes, yeah its nice to stay connected, yeah its nice to see my grandparents, yeah its nice to get money off my dad but does it always have to be for 2-3 months at a stretch. For fuck sake like. Ugh i've to start packing, and my sisters got 2 years of crap she's hauling back with her.... cant wait to see our baggae weight when we check in!

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