Monday, August 31, 2009

Good evening everybody, and the headlines tonight....

I've finally decided to get my tattoo, i've no money right now but it'll definately be this year. Probably as my birthday present to myself. This week's been useless in all fairness, i went out thursday night and got home at like 03:25am. The next day my mum flipped out about me coming home after midnight and that she wants it to stop. So i basically told her the sooner she gets over her problem with me coming home after midnight, the sooner she'l have one less problem for herself. The way i see it rather than fight something you cant change, learn to accept it and move on with your life. She has ENOUGH problems in her life to bother about something as trivial as that.

In other news, I got 2 books about the oscars on ebay, they'll be in next week hopefully. I find the whole history of cinema fascinating and i'm going to read up as much as i can about it. Truth be told i'm hoping to do drama in new York next year...if anyone knows a liberal arts college where they offer Business and Drama as a Masters you'd be helping out in a BIG way!What else, oh yeah i saw how shitty the Dollar is against the euro-$10000 got me €6993 or there about, and that just about covered my fees and other shit. Also i need to get my ass a job, there's soooooooo much shit i've seen but my mums stopped giving me as much money as she used to, i'd like to blame my sister for that but i guess i've only myself to blame(i've to learn how to manage my money!!!!)

Other than that nothings really happened this week, just gone. Hopefully this week, starting tomorrow, picks up and something worthwhile happens.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I never realised just how beautiful the Harlem Renaissance was. The clothes, the music, the slang. THE COTTON CLUB! And i also realised zoe saldana is a beaut!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

ATHLONE, i love you but you're killing me

wow! and i thought dublin was bad! although i'm sure there are some LOVELY people there.

still havent made that list :-s

Thursday, August 20, 2009

For Sale

If money were no object i'd snap this little diddy up in no time. Seeing as it is, i'll just have wait a while before pay the £8,500,000 asking price. Thats for two bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms no less-how the hell does one have half a bathroom?!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Its a sign of the times when Kristen Stewart makes the cover of Dazed and Confused.

And whats worse i hate that i love those last 2 pictures!

Who's next....Miley Cyrus?

[photos from]

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bonita Applebum you gotta put me on

It doesnt get much better really. Tribe Called Quest on a Carly Simon sample.

Had an interesting week, i'll fill you in tomorrow. Also i'm going to make out a list of what i want to do next year, and i'd appreciate your help with tips and advice on how i'll get everything done.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009




These are going on my christmas wishlist, santa/my dad better have these under the tree come december!

I remember posting about Basquiat a few months ago.

At least this time i can afford a Basquiat :P


If it wasnt for him there'd be no breakfast club, we wouldnt have blown out sixteen candles, and we woouldnt have been left home alone! John Hughes epitomised 8o's teen comedies and 90's family movies. May he rest in Peace

Friday, August 7, 2009


Today i give you, Amanda Moore.

She's been around for a while

but lately, she's kind of disappeared

She used to do Gucci and Ysl alot back in 2002

Tom Ford sure knew how to pick them!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Proverbs 4:24

"Put away from you a deceitful mouth, And put perverse lips far from you.”

Today, for the first time in almost 10 years we as a family had bible study-on my sisters insistence. It wasnt as bad as i'd thought it'd be but apparently its going to be a daily thing so i'm not so sure how that'll work out...but in the scheme of eternity i guess its worth the sacrifice of 30 minutes

But yeah the title scripture kind of stuck with me, because what we hear is what we do. As much as we want to deny it, WE DO. If your friends start jeering a particular person, subconciously you're going to start doing it. Likewise, if your friends start doing heroin guess'll be shooting up in NO TIME. Why this has anything to do with anything, i'm not sure but i felt i should share it-seeing as i'm sharing myself with you guys out there.

In other news, i'm heading to WAR tomorrow, its my first time so fingers crossed it'll be good. What else oh yeah i've an exam on the 11th and thats the last official chance i have-if i mess it up i really dont know what to do, so in other words FAILURE ISN'T AN OPTION. I just realised i use these >>>> - , and ...... waaaay too often, and i apologise for that, i seem to have a lot to say and a lot that stems from what i say. So on that note i'm saying good night


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Only mad men do the same thing and expect different outcomes

My mum said that to me a while back, interesting coming from her! But it couldnt be more relevant for me. I seem to take the same course of action and expect different endings. Roughly this time last year I FUCKED things up for myself in a big way...but didnt reap the rewards until september-which would explain why at 03:20am on a wednesday morning i'm awake trying to do an assignment. I've had the time to do this and relax but NO. I seem to enjoy leaving things til the last minute and then rushing them as if i've 5 minutes left on earth. To tell the truth I havent even started the bloody thing and its due in by 16:30 today. I'm genuinely petrified because i still dont know how to tackle this motherfucker but i've to figure it out in the morning because as of 09:00 i'll have 7 hours to make or break the rest of my year....i'll let you know how it goes!

I FINISHED IT, with like half an hour to spare. Right, on record, THATS. THE. LAST. TIME I. EVER. DO. THAT. AGAIN. I'm off to all saints now to treat my self to some clothes...i do feel i deserve them


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Never getting chicken nuggets again!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Doooorty Pussy

I took this in our compound in Kwoi, its where my dad grew up...3 generations of my family have grew up or lived here at some point in time. Anyway our feline friend must have been feeling a little randy or trying to scratch him/herself either way it was a funny picture. Right i'm off to McDonalds with sarah, and then i'm gonna get cracking on my assignment, my mums already giving it socks on how i cant fuck this one up. Agh the joys of being a failure


They're baaaaaack

So there I was in the library yesterday, when i was supposed to be doing my assignment, flicking through french vogue and i noticed something. Apart from french vogue being really good, it seems the supermodels are back...with a vengance. Page after page i kept seeing them- Linda, Naomi, Christy, Claudia, Stephanie. I gotta admit they aged pretty well, even though they've been photoshopped within an inch of their perfect lives!

More power to you ladies!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I'm back 3 days. 3 DAYS and already i'm hating this new arrangment! My sisters back to stay with us after two years being in nigeria with my dad. To tell the truth its nice to have her back and all and its nice to see my mum happy to have both her kids back again. However, if she's going to poke her nose into my business and involve herself in issues that have NOTHING to do with here, or not listen to what i have to say or not let me have my say or stop me from going out or turn a nice conversation into a full blown shouting-at-the-top-of-your-lungs-throwing-shit-at-the-walls-saying-things-youll-regret-in-the-morning argument then quite frankly she can send her ass back to my dad. I'm back to finish college, while she doesnt quite have a grasp on what she wants to do with her that basically translate into her having free time to look for my trouble. So like Peter Finch so poigniantly said in Network...I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!
