Monday, August 31, 2009

Good evening everybody, and the headlines tonight....

I've finally decided to get my tattoo, i've no money right now but it'll definately be this year. Probably as my birthday present to myself. This week's been useless in all fairness, i went out thursday night and got home at like 03:25am. The next day my mum flipped out about me coming home after midnight and that she wants it to stop. So i basically told her the sooner she gets over her problem with me coming home after midnight, the sooner she'l have one less problem for herself. The way i see it rather than fight something you cant change, learn to accept it and move on with your life. She has ENOUGH problems in her life to bother about something as trivial as that.

In other news, I got 2 books about the oscars on ebay, they'll be in next week hopefully. I find the whole history of cinema fascinating and i'm going to read up as much as i can about it. Truth be told i'm hoping to do drama in new York next year...if anyone knows a liberal arts college where they offer Business and Drama as a Masters you'd be helping out in a BIG way!What else, oh yeah i saw how shitty the Dollar is against the euro-$10000 got me €6993 or there about, and that just about covered my fees and other shit. Also i need to get my ass a job, there's soooooooo much shit i've seen but my mums stopped giving me as much money as she used to, i'd like to blame my sister for that but i guess i've only myself to blame(i've to learn how to manage my money!!!!)

Other than that nothings really happened this week, just gone. Hopefully this week, starting tomorrow, picks up and something worthwhile happens.

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