Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Saddle Up

This looks REALLY good! Here's hoping I can get a group to head down, not in the mood of walking round the phoneix park on my own at that hour of the night....seeing as people have a tendency to turn up dead around there and all!

Correction this WOULD have been really good. it got cancelled by a concerned member of the public....thanks whoever you are!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oh mother

Why do you insist on having certain conversations with me RIGHT before my exams! Like is it really neccessary

Saturday, April 10, 2010

6 days to go

That's right six days from now i'll be handing up my business plan. I'm sure you're probably sick to your teeth of hearing me go on about it. And to be honest once its over i'll kind of miss knowing I have to do it but still not getting up off my fat ass and actually doing anything about it or to it...if that makes any sense. But its far too late to be worrying about if its a viable plan or not, i'm just going to put some finishing touches to it and then hand it up. I'll have to do a quick plagiarism check on turnitin before I print it out though (the EFFORT in formatting this thing).

I really do hope I wont leave it til the night before because there's NO way i'd be able to do it. Plus i'd like to say that I did something in good time and had time to relax on the day I submit it. On that note i'm two minds about going out this weekend. I think i'll save it til next week and go on a mad one on saturday or something. Oh plus i'm not so sure about New York this summer, I checked for flights and its like €1300 or something compared to €450 back in January. I'm sure my Dad won't actually mind booking it though, guess i'll have to wait and see. I should call him actually, its been a few days!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Word Count: 981

Well its 571 if i'm being completely honest! And that lovely assignment is due at 3pm today and once again i've left it til a few hours before to do it. I was saying it to my mum the other day how I'd learn my lesson and change my ways if I didnt always get 60% or higher doing them this way. I've only ever done 2 assignments ahead of schedule....and those weren't without their problems (one got lost on the computer and the other didnt have a real direction until started typing it, kind of like this one i'm doing now).

ANYWAY, i'm going to try my best to finish this before 9am so I can get at least 2 hours sleep before I hand it in, because I think i'm going to see my friends band in the academy later and then come home and work on my business plan. I got some feedback from my supervisor and he said "it sounds more like a hobby than a business plan!" so I really dont know how to take that at this stage of the game but whatever, i'll do the market analysis, the financial section, the action items and the funding requirements, proof read the bastard and then print it because quite frankly I DONT GIVE A F**K! I made it seem like this insurmountable task but really its just words on a page and a few google searches to find the figures. I'd laugh if I got an A or a B for it though.

My college ball is on the day we submit the plan so if there's still tickets left i'm in there like swimwear! Suffice to say we'll ALL be beyond hammered that night. Speaking of which i'm oh so very tempted to go to Partie Monster this Saturday but thats the same night as Andrea's birthday, Feadz DJ set in the button factory and Liv's birthday...and i've €30 to do me for all three.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I feel naked

Without my phone. I went to the Oak for Grace's birthday and somehow managed to lose my phone. I'm trying to pinpoint when exactly I lost it but considering the fact I dont know how I managed to climb into bed last night, that memory isn't gonna come anytime soon. Every time I called it rang out so its still around somewhere, but its off now. It was such a handy little phone and everything....ah well at least I can get a blackberry now! But I think thats just an indication that i've to stop drinking wine before I go anywhere because it all goes down hill for me when i'm on the vino.

Business Plan is almost done and by almost I mean i've three out of the ten required sections done! I'm getting it ever so slowly! I've another assignment due in on Thursday but it's Niamh's birthday on tuesday so i'm gonna have to get a big chunk of it done today and all day tuesday if I want to go to c.u.n.t!

Friday, April 2, 2010


I've come to the harsh realisation that alot of the people I grew up watching on tv, and people I grew up with in general, are well into the latter stage of their lives and will one day leave this life. As cryptic as it sounds its true, and I hate that! John Forsythe passed away today at the age of 92. Some of you may know him as Charlie, some of you may know him as Blake Carrington....and for those of you who really know your stuff, you'll know him as Bentley Gregg. However you remember him he will be missed. REST IN PEACE

p.s. its even more upsetting now because they've been showing re-runs of dynasty on CBS drama so it'll be sad watching it on monday



Luise Rainer is 100 years young today! Keep on keeping my dear.
