Saturday, April 10, 2010

6 days to go

That's right six days from now i'll be handing up my business plan. I'm sure you're probably sick to your teeth of hearing me go on about it. And to be honest once its over i'll kind of miss knowing I have to do it but still not getting up off my fat ass and actually doing anything about it or to it...if that makes any sense. But its far too late to be worrying about if its a viable plan or not, i'm just going to put some finishing touches to it and then hand it up. I'll have to do a quick plagiarism check on turnitin before I print it out though (the EFFORT in formatting this thing).

I really do hope I wont leave it til the night before because there's NO way i'd be able to do it. Plus i'd like to say that I did something in good time and had time to relax on the day I submit it. On that note i'm two minds about going out this weekend. I think i'll save it til next week and go on a mad one on saturday or something. Oh plus i'm not so sure about New York this summer, I checked for flights and its like €1300 or something compared to €450 back in January. I'm sure my Dad won't actually mind booking it though, guess i'll have to wait and see. I should call him actually, its been a few days!


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