Monday, April 5, 2010

I feel naked

Without my phone. I went to the Oak for Grace's birthday and somehow managed to lose my phone. I'm trying to pinpoint when exactly I lost it but considering the fact I dont know how I managed to climb into bed last night, that memory isn't gonna come anytime soon. Every time I called it rang out so its still around somewhere, but its off now. It was such a handy little phone and everything....ah well at least I can get a blackberry now! But I think thats just an indication that i've to stop drinking wine before I go anywhere because it all goes down hill for me when i'm on the vino.

Business Plan is almost done and by almost I mean i've three out of the ten required sections done! I'm getting it ever so slowly! I've another assignment due in on Thursday but it's Niamh's birthday on tuesday so i'm gonna have to get a big chunk of it done today and all day tuesday if I want to go to c.u.n.t!

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