Monday, June 14, 2010

I'll burn the house down

In exactly 7 days i'll be heading off to New York for 7 weeks. I still haven't packed and there's a few things I need to get before I go over, plus I really want to go out this Friday and Saturday. I went to my aunts house with my sister after church this morning and we had a good laugh, ate way too much food there though. I hope to God there's a gym near the apartment when I go over so I have something to do and get fit while i'm at it! But yeah we had a chat about my parents and I'm not holding back on my Dad this time when the time comes, because I know it's not a matter of 'IF' with my dad but 'WHEN'!

I finally sat through Inglorious Bastereds on Saturday and I'm not going to lie it was BRILLIANT! I've been watching loads of movies the past few days and there's still loads more to go through. I want to see as many as possible and maybe get a monologue and try out for the Gaiety School of Acting while i'm in New York. Chances are i'll pussy out and waste €50 but its worth a shot!

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