Friday, June 4, 2010

*Insert title*

It's 04:51 am and I'm still awake. I'm not doing anything particularly constructive, and cant sleep, so I thought I'd clean my room. That's now over because I'm not particularly arsed plus I found this diary that I had when I was 14. Its a hilarious read mainly because I sound like a whiny brat for most of it (I'm sure I still sound just as whiny). It's all about me hating the fact I was so sheltered and broke....come to think of it not much has changed in the past 7 years and that CANT be good.

My mum's gone to Nigeria for 7 weeks so its just me and my sister and the difference is clear without our mum. I wont see her until August because I'll be in New York by the time she gets back so we're finally getting that break we always threaten each other with. I just need to fill my days with something to do because its actually doing my head in at this stage.

Aside from all that there's nothing else really happening. Pony Kids was on Wednesday and I didn't go....I think I'll do myself a favor and not get excited about these things because if I try and plan to go it just fails like everything else I try and do. I'll have to change that this summer along with a few other things. Its hilarious how I deceive myself every year ,around this time, by saying I'm going to better myself or make changes to my life but second guess myself/the effects of said changes and then settle back into what I hate. I think this is the last time I'll try it and if I don't go through with it or like the possible outcomes then it just means I'm stuck in my ways and I'll never change.

Who needs change anyway!

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