Thursday, June 11, 2009

Johnny Just Come

Yay, the fan is blowing cold air finally, think thats only because its dark and its a bit cooler outside. Anyway who cares! I'm actually shocked how quick the internet is today, in saying that its still sluggish compared with what its like back in dublin but beggars cant be chosers right.

Yeah nothing much happened today, oh well except for my sister almost gettin killed on the motorway. Well ok i may be exaggerating a bit but this is what happened. Her car cut out randomly in the middle of a busy road- i know i said motorway but all roads seem to be motorways here with the speed some people are pedestrians have no rights haha. Anyway yeah her car cut out and 2 guys had to push her to the side, and she keft the car there to go to work without one of those caution triangle things, came back and her car was gone. She isnt the brighest star at times, bless her. She hasnt told our dad about her little incident, so he'll have a nice surprise when he gets back from vienna. Thank god she didnt take his that would have been hilarious. So yeah thats been the highlight of my dad. Oh yeah, i was meant to go for some shawma's with her ex boyfriend, because he's back here serving but she pretty much put a spanner in that one....CHEERS!!! I'm still bored senseless, so i'm hoping my dad has something planned for us because i'm over this stayinginwatchingthefreshprinceofbelair buzz. Right ok gotta go now the internet shop guy's telling me to piss off! Later


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