Monday, March 30, 2009

Stupid youtube embedding, why can't i figure you out!!!!!!!!

Fook sake! i tried putting a video into my post then pressed backspace and now its all gone =[ not that it was that important. I wasn't revealing my deepest darkest secrets or anything. Still though i'm pissed off i haven't figured out the video cant be that hard surely!! Think i'll head into town and check if those magazines are in yet, i've to go hand out cv's as well...NIGS! I put a deposit down for greece in july ages ago thinking i'd be working by now and the rest of the money is in for the end of april...DADDY! I really need to stop relying on my parents. Anyways i'm going to TRY and sleep, earliest night for me in ages, seeing as i've turned into a vampire and all o_0

Peace out!


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blazin Bad Suki

I just realised there is actually such a thing as time travel. In fact we all just did it a few hours ago. Fair enough it was only one hour into the future but hey the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Ideally we should be able to travel back in time, to whatever period we want and run amuck-i think thats how you spell it o_0 I for one would go back to NYC during the late 70's early 80's and go hit up studio 54, meet Andy Warhol and see grace jones and bianca jagger in action.

Aaaanyways, not much happened today, as per fooking usual. I managed to stay awake until about 6pm then next thing i knew it was 9pm and dangerous minds was on. I remember when it first came out and thinking the cast from the movie weere the shit, i cringe at the thought of thinking i would grow up to be raul. Matter of fact there's tonnes of shit i've done that i cringe at the thought of, meh its all in the past i guess. Funny thing is i keep doing stuff i swore i wouldn't, hating myself for it, then laughing at it all over again. We're only young once, so we might as well enjoy ourselves right. Wow ok this is turning into some weird pseudo therapy session. Speaking of sessions, i cannot wait for TAC. I haven't been since the christmas one so this one better be good. Even if its shite i'll find a way to make it savage, sure i've enough drink to take down a baby elephant so if there's a bad buzz i'll be hammered so i won't notice!

I'm debating whether or not to buy the sunday times today. I've been getting it since the start of the year, what turned into an impulse buy in centra has turned into some weird addiction. Truth be told i only buy it for the style section hehe, well that and HOME-to see which trophy homes the recession has claimed, INGEAR-for clarksons feauture, dr know and of course the hypochondriac(the comic strip at the end of this post), BUSINESS-well because i'm doing that in college and for the featured interview, and CULTURE and the sunday times mag. I havent been arsed actually reading those sections in full the past few weeks because i just jump straight into style to see giles hattersbys picks for the week(even though he hasn't done it for like 3 weeks >:[ . Its pretty sad that buying a newspaper is the highlight of my sunday but thats what my life has become. And the scary thing is i'm so used to it, i need a change big time.

Speaking of magazines, i havent bothered going into town to check if HOMME+ is out yet. Its funny how i used to read that and think nothing of it but apparently its a collectors item. I actually had like 4 issues, and then my mum threw them out....along with like 12 GQ's, 5 i-D's, 2 vogues(shut up!), 3 DETAILS, a shit load of ARENA's(R.I.P...for now) and my prized VIBE collection(they used to be THE SHIT, but now for what you get at almost €9 its SHIT, sorry quincy!). Either that or my intrests have moved ship, wouldn't be the first time. So yeah if any of you are in Tower records any time soon, let me know if its out or not. And POP, and Interview while you're at it. I've since restarted my magazine collection, but its kinda thin because i'm not arsed going to town everytime i want a good read...besides easons liffey valley don't stock i-D. They don't even do DAZED, ugh no wonder i hate the place. My friend asked me why i bother keeping all my magazines and i couldnt actually come up with an answer. My mum asked the same question, and she got the same response. Anybody out there know why magazines are the one thing you can't bear the throw away!

Right, the sun's coming up so i guess its bedtime for bonzo! I really should make a schedule for my day to keep me occupied, seeing as my day starts at 2pm and everything.

Peace and love


Saturday, March 28, 2009


Right ok i thought i just saw a spider on my wall, turns out it was just a lump of dried paint! I just realised the time on this thing is really messed up so i could make a post at like 1 am and this thing would say its 5:30pm. For the record, its i'm not just waking up now. In fact i didnt sleep a wink last night. Ha i almost typed wank there, i'm turning into one of my friends.

So yeah i've been meaning to tell you about this dream i had the other night. Without a doubt has to be the most random dream i've had, even randomer than the time i dreamt i was tom ford and made oprah do the ad with the perfume between her tittays. Or the time i went camping in wicklow, jumped on a swing(you know the ones you make to jump into a lake or something) and landed in new york? yeah i know. Back to the dream, it had to do with a phonecall. One of my best friends from when i was younger, who lives a few doors away and i don't talk to anymore =[ called and wanted to catch up. So i was like eh ok, bla bla bla bla bla, we were going on and on and on about nothing, just like we used to then this small plane came out of nowhere. crash landed. lost one of its propellers. and chopped my friend in half in the process. but then i turned around and my friend was back in his house and we were still talking. It was much weirder than i'm making it sound but if i'm to go into detail i'll be here forever. Long story short, i miss him so maybe thats my head telling me to go have a chat with him.

Ok back to reality. I've had a boring week to be honest. I went to my aunts house to help her with an assignment, well three actually. I was only meant to stay like 2 days, but 6 days later i came home. That always happens, especially with her but i'm not complaining. A change of environment does a person good. Besides i get to see my favourite cousin, she's only three but some of the stuff she comes out with has me in stitches for hours. Plus she loves the simpsons as much as i do.

I ended up watching british style genius the other night and learned a few things. Did you know trenchcoats are called TRENCHcoats for a reason, or that fred perry was the label of choice for 1960's mods, or that the casuals are to blame for the whole burberry/chav incident? The things you learn at 1 in the morning are amazing. Then i was watching Damages and realised i've been watching season 2 on BBC so that would explain why i'm always so lost watching it. I could go watch them online but my interner is too slow for that shizz. On the same note turns out i'm one season ahead on mad men, no thanks to the BBC, they dont advertise during shows so i suppose thats a plus. I realise i'm not using capital I's but i dont care. See i i i i i i i i i i, proper syntax is 4 L0$3rz! Seriously though, microsoft word auto corrects you so you think googles would follow suit but ooooh no i've to go through the effort of pressing shift first and then i. Uggggggggggh. I've forgotten what i was going to say. Oh yeah, i'll probably do a post dedicated to Mad Men soon, yeah i know those subject specific posts wear a little thin sometimes but, the show is JUST THAT good. I'd love to get a part on it, a boy can only dream.

Ok i was only meant to talk about my dream but i got a bit carried away, scott's right i do talk an awful lot of shit. Ah well. Guess i'll go make a cuppa cha and watch Falcon Crest-80's cheese at
07:30 am, WHY NOT.

Peace and Love


Saturday, March 21, 2009

You're sooo lazy!

So much for the daily posts! I've been really lazy/not bothered the past few days, that and the fact nothing terribly exciting has happened in the past few days. Well aside from St Patricks Day. Keeping with tradition I went to town and got pretty smashed, only thing was I was completely out of it by like 8pm, pretty pathetic compared to previous years....looks like father time is kicking my ass. I kinda feel the entire events of paddys day deserve their own post but in the interest of moving things along I won't....for now.

Like I said earlier nothing's really happened since the last time, which is hardly surprising seeig as i'm so cool these days! That and being broke, a winning combo for a pretty shitty social life. It'll pick up eventually. I still havent really figured out what this blog will be about, i've seen some pretty sweet blogs out there, and i've a few ideas. In saying that i'm not gonna go around ripping off people's ideas (imitation is flattery after all....but there's flattering imitation and then there's flagrant plagiarism!) There's a few things to look forward to in the next few weeks though. I found out the theme for the next TAC, so that'll be pretty mad. Already have my outfit figured out all i need to do now is find it. POP, HOMME+, INTERVIEW and NYLON guys are all coming out so that should keep me pretty occupied, and kinda skint. Last magazine spree I went on left me like €75 poorer but it was worth it!

Anywho, i've run out of things to say so i'm gonna go watch pushing daises. Its amazing what you'll find entertaining at 5 in the morinig!

Peace and Love


Friday, March 13, 2009

Feel the fear....but do it anyway!

Ugh i actually HATE my laptop. It switched itself off earlier, and decided to stop working properly-the touchpad wouldnt work and neither would the keyboard. The letter 'n' decided to stop working as well, you'd be shocked how many times that letter comes up. I tried doing this at like 11pm when Brothers and Sisters was on, and now at 05:30 am i'm finally finished!

Actually that isn't entirely true. As one of my New Years resolutions, I said I would start a blog and try my best to update it regularly. Tried it back January but then I backed down. Why? Because i'm not entirely sure what to say...but more importantly will anyone actually care about what I have to say. Time will tell I guess.

Just to let you know that I can be quite lazy so I may take unexpected breaks-but dont worry if I take an extended break i'll fill you in on what happened during my absense. Another thing you should know is I can go on and on, and on, and on, and I also veer of on the most fantastic tangents but you'll get used to that, I hope(dont worry, they make sense eventually).

Right its almost 06:00 now so i'll have to love you and leave you for today. Same time tommorow.
