Thursday, April 30, 2009

Keep your head up

the past four days have been so emotionally draining on so many levels. seeing all the people we grew up with together to say goodbye to one of our own was both beautiful and heartbreaking.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Life is short. Blasé/sentimental as it may sound unfortunately it is! You wake up one day and not being on the guestlist for some divebar where some 2nd rate dj plays music off their ipod will be the worst thing in the world, or an argument wth your best friend for not being out for your birthday will seem like the one thing that motivates you. Then the next YOU'R GONE! And once that happens thats it, all those stupid vaccuous things that once drove you will be over, and your life will seem as stupid and vaccuous as those things. So i urge you to pick up your phone, call or text that friend your fighting with, stay in that night you're supposed to be on the list and spend it with your family. Because their all that you really have in this life, you're friends may come and go but you're family are there when you're gone to celebrate your life.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Every breath you take, every move you make

Every day I wake up
I hope Im dreamin
I cant believe this shit
Cant believe you aint here
Sometimes its just hard for a nigga to wake up
Its hard to just keep goin
Its like I feel empty inside without you bein here
I would do anything man, to bring you back
Id give all this shit, shit the whole knot
I saw your son today
He look just like you
You was the greatest
Youll always be the greatest
I miss you big
Cant wait til that day, when I see your face again
I cant wait til that day, when I see your face again...

Yeah... this right here (tell me why)
Goes out, to everyone, that has lost someone
That they truly loved (cmon, check it out)

Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show
I laced the track, you locked the flow
So far from hangin on the block for dough
Notorious, they got to know that
Life aint always what it seem to be (uh-uh)
Words cant express what you mean to me
Even though youre gone, we still a team
Through your family, Ill fulfill your dream (thats right)
In the future, cant wait to see
If you open up the gates for me
Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend (uh-huh)
Try to black it out, but it plays again
When its real, feelings hard to conceal
Cant imagine all the pain I feel
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living your life, after death

Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
Ill be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
Ill be missing you

Its kinda hard with you not around (yeah)
Know you in heaven smilin down (eheh)
Watchin us while we pray for you
Every day we pray for you
Til the day we meet again
In my heart is where Ill keep you friend
Memories give me the strength I need (uh-huh) to proceed
Strength I need to believe
My thoughts big I just cant define (cant define)
Wish I could turn back the hands of time
Us in the 6, shop for new clothes and kicks
You and me taking flicks
Makin hits, stages they receive you on
I still cant believe youre gone (cant believe youre gone)
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living youre life, after death

On that morning
When this life is over
I know
Ill see your face.....

R.I.P. Richard 25-04-09

Saturday, April 25, 2009


i stumbled across this youtube gem yeasterday. i'm all for personal expression and everything but this is just vulgar.

the only redeemable thing here would be his gold rope chain, i've been looking all over for one but i still cant find one-if anyone knows where i can get one please leave a comment.....i dont want to resort to going to homebase and looking through the spools of chains again! in other news, we went to see 17 again the other night, and i hate to admit but it wasnt half bad.

fair dues to zac efron, its good to see that he can carry off a leading role-he even makes himself cry at the end(i dunno if that counts as a spoiler but meh whateve). he's got some mad b-ball skills too, either that or the CGI team did a great job in the cafeteria scene! the next logical step for him would be to take on an edgier role, because he's too sweet for my liking. yeah it fills seats and keeps the studio heads happy but i'm sure he'll get tired and want to try something new(the fact he turned down footloose, which incidentally might be going to chace crawford of all people-i dont even know if he can sing/dance, is a clear indication!) lets hope me and orson welles is good ok this is turning into a zac efron post, and that wasnt my intention i've to start packing for nigeria soon, uuuuuuggggggh. i dunno if i should bother packing any skinnys, my mum said i'd be attacked by almajiri muslims if i did, plus its waaaay to hot for that shit. i'm think shorts and linen trousers should do the trick. and some ray-bans too ;) right i'm off to beddykins



Thursday, April 23, 2009

where the posts have no name!

or anything important for that matter.

bitch got pwned!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I cant get enough of this ring! Its by Cartier, and its €5000 €10850 to be exact(thank you POP mag €16,500, yes €16,500(Thanks Michelle in BT's). Topman do something similar for like €8 and it looks like shite compared to the real thing!

i'll have to settle for the latter....a boy can dream cant though! I'm off to the cinema tonight, there's like fuck all to see, well there's a few but sarah wants to see i love you man, ugh! Oscar season had the best movies, Slumdog, Milk, Ben Button, Vicky Cristina etc. Bring that shizz back


pics: Cartier and Topman

Thursday, April 16, 2009

beep beep dot beep beep

My ass is still killing me! i wasnt expecting a full recovery overnight but the pain should have at least subsided...but NO! I'm still hobbling around like some OAP, no offence to any of you out there. I just realised my life is incredibly mundane/boring, i'm not exactly sure if they mean the same thing but they sounded nice together. I've officially decided that after july i'm going to live life with NO regrets. AT ALL. We're only here on earth once so we might as well live it up, drink it down and fuck it while its hot(i'm not saying turn it into fuckfest '09 but you get the point!) I'm going to make a list of goals to achieve in the next few years and see if i'll get them done. First on the list is to get my mum to shut up when mad men is on, fook sake!

Think i'll head into town and get something for WAR on friday, fingers crossed it'll be a messy


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ouch ouch ouch!!!!

I'm sitting here with a possible broken tailbone and its FUCKING sore! I was playing football with scott and dermot and i kicked it over some random wall, and on my way back over the wall i underestimated the laws of gravity and basic geometry i guess, either way i fell 7 or so feet flat on my ass. Thank god there werent any large rocks where i fell because then i'd be royally screwed!

In other news, HOMME+ is finally out. I kept my copy behind the desk, i have to get it later this week-but now that my ass is killing me i hope i'm able to walk. Found myself in powerscourt so i checked out this little store called 'Circus', they've a great selection, a bit out there but great all the same. The girl in the shop is soooo nice too, she even gave me a free copy of supersuper! I've to start getting my shit together for going home, the effort. But on the plus side, its an excuse to get my mum to buy me new clothes...yussssss! Anyways i'm off to bed, the pain is actually blinding now-entourage is on too. yay


Monday, April 13, 2009

Do you remember the time.....

Just had the most random phone call with my dad. It lasted 45 seconds yet he managed to accuse me of not wanting to speak to him unless he makes the first move and bla bla bla-you're not the only person i do that to! He also said i should keep an eye on my bank account from friday onwards....



Say say say...

Looks like i'm having a michael jackson moment. I've been listening to all my old cds and tapes, and had an almighty dance off with my cousin earlier to bad and remember the time. There's nothing like 80's pop to pick up a boring easter....we didnt even do the egg hunt this year! WTF like, who sucked the life out of everyone.

I'm still grinding! Seriously, that gap tooth look aint very sexy!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


You gotta hand it to James Cameron, his movies have aged pretty well. True Lies is on right now and i'm still able to watch it willingly from start to finish. I can even look past Arnold Swartzhoweverhisnameisspelled's wooden acting.

I really have to stop grinding my teeth, especially my front ones, there's a horribly sharp pain when i do it now. I probably wont be satisfied until i look like some small town hick named bubba or something. I never knew pharrell williams was a furniture designer. He mentioned his new collaboration with Eames, you know those chairs with like a chair and a funky looking ottoman. Yeah well his chairs look NOTHING like those. His chairs a pretty cool to look at, maybe first glance but i'd more than likely get bored with them after 5 minutes-and if his clothing prices are anything to go by i'd say these chairs cost a fortune. Take a look at them for yourself:

I prefer it in black though:

Why the fuck cant i find a bounty easter egg anywhere? They're savage, not just because you get 2 bars with it but the egg is really nice, its like the galaxy egg. Ugh my mums trying to cook a pizza, she NEVER gets it right.

Peace out biznatches



Why is it so hard to have a week long bender? Like seriously why does everyone have to hate town so much? Let me rephrase that, why do all my immediate friends have to hate town so much? Why must they insist on spending €80 a night on €3 drinks nights and be broke for the rest of the week! Why do they all have to hate electro? Why, why, WHHHHHHHHY! I missed TAC on tuesday, due to a combo of the fantastic irish weather and lack of party hearty commrades. I bet it was one of those nights that'll be talked about for years to come and as per usual i wasnt there! Same thing with Le Cirque, i've been told that it was immense week after week and when i finally haul my arse in there it was DEAD. A commercial club would have been better that night, only plus was when the DJ played funkytown. There better be an abudance of good nights before the 28th, because i'll be on a 2 month break from then on...the joys of pre planned holidays o_0

Also how long does it take to publish a magazine, seriously. I actually rang HOMME+ a few days ago and it STILL hasn't been published....thats after I rang them early march! I got so desperate i bought GQ style-i know you cant really go off comparing the two. Its like comparing Coke with Pepsi, there'll only ever be one Coke. Got the new nylon guys as well and i've come to the harsh realisation that all their photographers are terry richardson wannabes. I'm not one to pass criticism but point and shoot is a tricky game and its best to leave it to the pros. The jeans on the cover are IMMENSE though, they're like those hussein chalayan dresses.

I'm off to clean my room, but i'll leave you with a rare glimpse of 90's michael jackson glory. I found the bucharest concert in my room yesterday, it takes me back to when i was young and delusional...those were the days!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Get on your dancing shoes, you sexy little swine....

Why can't i ever get ready on time!!! Every single time i've somewhere to go i'm left running around like a psycho screaming at anyone in my way, sorry mum! I've a 21st that starts a 8 and i havent even taken a shower yet. Me and gav are going fashionably late so its ok, besides the party won't get kicking til 10 anyways so we might as well take our time. I wanna go to transmission though, haven't been there in a good while!

So yeah the dentist on thursday was ok. The form you fill out before you see the dentist was so weird, i don't know if i;m allergic to penicillin, if i've high blood pressure and bla bla bla. So they called my name and i went in, the dentist lady was kinda hot for a dentist, i was expecting this big heffer but i was pleasantly surprised. So then she said open wide, checked all my teeth and started going on about buckles and bridges on my teeth. Then she was like you've still got baby teeth in there, so i was like SHIT I NEED AN EXTRACTION??? But she said not so soon but if they dont fall out and my permanent teeth shoot up, the orthodontists gonna have to yank them out of there-which means a few needles, and i've developed this slight fear of needles recently o_0 But you'd think after getting your teeth polished and cleaned you'd hold off any food for a while...not me. Had an epic breakfast roll 5 minutes after, i'd kill for one again. Well not really, my mum just made some shepards pie and i'm a bit nauseous(?) after some of it. Oh and i nearly broke my left middle finger the last night trying to make my bed. You try doing some good and it comes back to slap you in the face. Then later on thursday, seeing as it was sunny i had a few cans with scott. Just the two of us on the green where we all used to drink, then we went for a drive with 'cutout' sarah who's afraid of traffic lights and roundabouts(ah women drivers!)

Right i better go get ready now. Oh i called tower records and asked them to hold the last copy of normal arena for me, they had the march one in the dentists reception room, petty theft seems great in theory but i was too busy trying to fill out that silly form! So yeah BYE


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Amazing Grace

Shit! I booked an appointment today to see the dentist on thursday, i havent been since 1st year in secondary. This should be interesting. Turns out i may be heading home for two months this summer, and if i'm to base my last time at home I'M FUCKED! Its messed up the way my mum thinks its ok to send me off to my dad for the entire summer, she's been doing it to me since 3rd year(i suppose it wasnt too bad then because it was in new york, but 2 months in nigeria....BARF!)I'd much prefer staying here to be honest. I can already envision how bored i'll be so i've to find something to do. I could bring a camera with me and take some scenic shots but that'd wear thin after about an hour. Anyways, i hope they dont give me any extractions on thursday because i wont be able to drink on saturday or tuesday. Well thats what my dentist would say but i'll chance my arm =] I'm still working on the video thing, last try deleted my post so if this doesn't work I GIVE UP!


My mum always listened to grace jones when i was growing up. Most reggae actually, i don't know if you'd call gracve a reggae artist but there's a definate influence-she is jamaican after all. Its mad how i couldnt stand her growing up, but about four summers ago i stumbled across 'nightclubbing', lets just say it had an affect on me. THE WOMAN CAN DO NO WRONG.
