Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Amazing Grace

Shit! I booked an appointment today to see the dentist on thursday, i havent been since 1st year in secondary. This should be interesting. Turns out i may be heading home for two months this summer, and if i'm to base my last time at home I'M FUCKED! Its messed up the way my mum thinks its ok to send me off to my dad for the entire summer, she's been doing it to me since 3rd year(i suppose it wasnt too bad then because it was in new york, but 2 months in nigeria....BARF!)I'd much prefer staying here to be honest. I can already envision how bored i'll be so i've to find something to do. I could bring a camera with me and take some scenic shots but that'd wear thin after about an hour. Anyways, i hope they dont give me any extractions on thursday because i wont be able to drink on saturday or tuesday. Well thats what my dentist would say but i'll chance my arm =] I'm still working on the video thing, last try deleted my post so if this doesn't work I GIVE UP!


My mum always listened to grace jones when i was growing up. Most reggae actually, i don't know if you'd call gracve a reggae artist but there's a definate influence-she is jamaican after all. Its mad how i couldnt stand her growing up, but about four summers ago i stumbled across 'nightclubbing', lets just say it had an affect on me. THE WOMAN CAN DO NO WRONG.

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