Saturday, April 11, 2009


Why is it so hard to have a week long bender? Like seriously why does everyone have to hate town so much? Let me rephrase that, why do all my immediate friends have to hate town so much? Why must they insist on spending €80 a night on €3 drinks nights and be broke for the rest of the week! Why do they all have to hate electro? Why, why, WHHHHHHHHY! I missed TAC on tuesday, due to a combo of the fantastic irish weather and lack of party hearty commrades. I bet it was one of those nights that'll be talked about for years to come and as per usual i wasnt there! Same thing with Le Cirque, i've been told that it was immense week after week and when i finally haul my arse in there it was DEAD. A commercial club would have been better that night, only plus was when the DJ played funkytown. There better be an abudance of good nights before the 28th, because i'll be on a 2 month break from then on...the joys of pre planned holidays o_0

Also how long does it take to publish a magazine, seriously. I actually rang HOMME+ a few days ago and it STILL hasn't been published....thats after I rang them early march! I got so desperate i bought GQ style-i know you cant really go off comparing the two. Its like comparing Coke with Pepsi, there'll only ever be one Coke. Got the new nylon guys as well and i've come to the harsh realisation that all their photographers are terry richardson wannabes. I'm not one to pass criticism but point and shoot is a tricky game and its best to leave it to the pros. The jeans on the cover are IMMENSE though, they're like those hussein chalayan dresses.

I'm off to clean my room, but i'll leave you with a rare glimpse of 90's michael jackson glory. I found the bucharest concert in my room yesterday, it takes me back to when i was young and delusional...those were the days!


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