Saturday, April 4, 2009

Get on your dancing shoes, you sexy little swine....

Why can't i ever get ready on time!!! Every single time i've somewhere to go i'm left running around like a psycho screaming at anyone in my way, sorry mum! I've a 21st that starts a 8 and i havent even taken a shower yet. Me and gav are going fashionably late so its ok, besides the party won't get kicking til 10 anyways so we might as well take our time. I wanna go to transmission though, haven't been there in a good while!

So yeah the dentist on thursday was ok. The form you fill out before you see the dentist was so weird, i don't know if i;m allergic to penicillin, if i've high blood pressure and bla bla bla. So they called my name and i went in, the dentist lady was kinda hot for a dentist, i was expecting this big heffer but i was pleasantly surprised. So then she said open wide, checked all my teeth and started going on about buckles and bridges on my teeth. Then she was like you've still got baby teeth in there, so i was like SHIT I NEED AN EXTRACTION??? But she said not so soon but if they dont fall out and my permanent teeth shoot up, the orthodontists gonna have to yank them out of there-which means a few needles, and i've developed this slight fear of needles recently o_0 But you'd think after getting your teeth polished and cleaned you'd hold off any food for a while...not me. Had an epic breakfast roll 5 minutes after, i'd kill for one again. Well not really, my mum just made some shepards pie and i'm a bit nauseous(?) after some of it. Oh and i nearly broke my left middle finger the last night trying to make my bed. You try doing some good and it comes back to slap you in the face. Then later on thursday, seeing as it was sunny i had a few cans with scott. Just the two of us on the green where we all used to drink, then we went for a drive with 'cutout' sarah who's afraid of traffic lights and roundabouts(ah women drivers!)

Right i better go get ready now. Oh i called tower records and asked them to hold the last copy of normal arena for me, they had the march one in the dentists reception room, petty theft seems great in theory but i was too busy trying to fill out that silly form! So yeah BYE


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