Friday, March 19, 2010


I just realised this blog is a YEAR old. Time flys when you're talking bullshit, and boy do I talk some shit. I was looking back at my older posts and it hit I really dont have that much to say. Honestly though, majority of my posts consist of random pointless shit thats happened to me, or decisions on where i'll go out for the weekend. There arent many pictures because I HATE pictures of myself but wont hesitate to look at someone else's...think i'll change that though. Think its time for a change in direction, "variety is the spice of life" (at least that's what they tell you!) So to those of you who visit this blog thank you, i'm not sure if I can pay back all the time you wasted reading what i've been saying all this time but it's much appreciated and here's to another year!


  1. Hey you! It was lovely to meet you earlier! Thanks so much for stopping by. Love the blog and your "random pointless" stuff which is what blogging is all about! It's great! Defo do post pics of what you are wearing, it's nerve-racking I know but worth it in the end!

  2. Awwh you too. It was a pleasure to meet you. Your blog's really cool, great style going! I'm thinking i'll switch to wordpress for a full style/fashion blog...thats if i ever get all my college work done =[

