Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Well there's 24 hours of my life I wont get back!

And now I can stop with all the movie award predictions, well until Cannes anyway. I was happy overall with the results, well in an ideal world Avatar would have walked away with 0 oscars and i'd be €510 richer...but you cant have it all now can you. I was delighted for Kathryn Bigelow and Jeff Bridges, Sandra Bullock was good in The Blind Side but that should have been a tie between her Carey, Meryl and Gabourey! Congratulations to everyone else who won and to Zoe Saldana who made me fall in love with her even more

I didnt bother going to college today because I was way too tired after staying up watching the Oscars. I also tried my best to do something with this business plan but depsite my best efforts i'm still stuck with what I had 2 days ago and now the course coordinator is telling me i've missed out on all the journals and i could lose 13% (on a double weighted module) which is news to me because i've sent him every last journal I was supposed to. Yes they didn't have any work included in them but I said that and I explained why they had no work in them. So he can hardly say i'm lying can he?

I really cant wait for this to all be over and hang my degree on my wall to use a dart board or something. The sun has been out the past few days so I guess this means we're in for a warm summer, and as per usual I might not be here for it. For once i'm excited about going to New York but I dont want to go for too long or too little and feel I missed out on an opportunity. Then again I don't want to be stuck in Dublin for 4 months with nothing to do now do I. Decisions people, D.E.C.I.S.I.O.N.S!!!

picture: http://x17online.com/Oscars/zoeoscarredcarpet.jpg

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