Monday, December 28, 2009


All this crappy weather and i think i've caught a cold! Just when i'm trying to [ut my head down and study for my exams. Oh by the way i'm to have a 15 page document ready for my supervisor (business plan) before the 31st...and i've to go out for dermot's going away party. Seriously, new years resolution is to stop procrastinating it really gets you nowhere!


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Errrrrbody

Christmas was ok this year. Even though it was just the three of us and we didnt go to my uncle's like we do every year, it was ok. no arguments, no indigestion, good tv, good food, although i was bored shitless from about 6-9 but i got over that eventually. taking me shopping tomorrow as part of my present, and my sisters coming too-and she owes me a birthday AND christmas present and my dad said he's going to get me that laptop i've been asking when he goes to New York(where he'll be for the next 4 years!)......yussssss! WAR's on tomorrow night, i'm not sure if i'll bother to be honest. I say that now.........but who knows

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm home an hour from my aunty's birthday. We were at a buffet in a chinese resteraunt-STUFFED! And not in a good way, my stomach's actually in bits...and this lemon tea isnt helping matters. So I went to the doctor yesterday to see what's wrong with me, because i've been feeling a bit iffy the past few days. Basically i'm just lazy or stressed, but he did say if my symptoms persist in the next 3 months i should go back to him. On that note, my current weight is 9.5 stone, or just under 60kilos. Why does this matter? well just under 4 months ago i was nearly 11stone, if not 11 and a half. I've a strong feeling i'm just stressed, because i've had some pretty close calls with college over the past 12 weeks and i've another 12 weeks to look forward to after my exams and then a lovely 10,000 word business plan to have prepared by May. On the plus side i'm going to see Avatar tomorrow with Scott tomorrow, in 3-D! Lets hope this its good.

But on a completely different note, i went to give my friend a christmas card from my family to his, only to be told that this guy that we both know died over the past few days. I dont know how to take such news so i was just standing at the door staring at his mother when she told me. Now my friend was better friends with him, i only ever saw him the odd time and when we were younger I wasnt so keen on him. As time went on I realised he wasnt so bad. I just really hope he didnt suffer when he left this life. I'm going to buy my friend a card tomorrow and have a big long catch up with him just like we used to.

ps, if that seemed like a sporadic post i apologise i didnt sleep last night and i've been up all day and it looks like i'll be up all night becase The End of The Affair is on at like 3am :S

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I actually cant wait to see this! There's always a wave of good movies out at this time...i love the hollywood studio system!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Letter to myself at 16

Dear 16 year old me,

Where in God's name do i start? Today's you're 21st birthday so its only fitting to depress yourself on the choices ypu made up until this point. Ideally this should be a letter to yourself at 12 because thats when everything started to get weird. First and foremost learn to like yourself. You'll realise in 10years time that you actually like Certain things about yourself. You'll learn to accept your dark skin. You'll learn to appreciate your brown eyes. Eventually you'll learn to LOVE your name...not everyone has it. actually scratch that

You lived your life based on what you thought other people thought you shouold do.You smoked for 10 years because you thought all your friends are doing so you should to. You also drank in those 10 years but still to this day are drunk after 3 pints. You had slight self esteem issues but have learned to appreciate how God made you. You also had an interesting view on God and the whole concept of religion, however you've also learned to appreciate what you know and are now trying to build up on said knowledge. Over the years you've had a particular sense of style in mind but people areound you, namely yur mother and sister have always stopped you from fully expressing it-note to self DONT LISTEN TO THEM! you'll only be able to pull off some of these things in your youth. Learn to appreciate the gravity of certain situations. Don't always think they will have a story book/hollywood ending because those rarely happen...and if they do its because you put in the hard work and effort to resolve cretain issues. For God's sake pick up some books when you're bored and read them, they're not just random words printed on're imagination(as wild as it is) will use them to transport you to another world if you allow it. Also apply yourself in school it wont kill you, in fact if you do so you'll end up in a nice 3rd level college and meet some really interesting people...and if despite the fact you chose not to you'll still meet some pretty interesting people. Again dont make certain choices based on what they're doing-we're all different after all! Take time out to take care of yourself. Excercise. Yes thats right EXCERCISE. You hate football, but you like tennis. You loved gymnastics so why not try it out in your spare time again. You'll realise when you're 18 that you want nothing more than to act. Follow that feeling and dont give up. You'll also realise the sacrifices you're parents made for you to get to this point in your life. Like I said, apply yourself and show them that you appreciate their efforts and for Gods sake DONT REPEAT SECOND YEAR....and if you are going to bring notes into an exam dont wear Ralph Lauren Cargos!

Finally, do you're best to find someone who loves you for you. not for who you think you should be but who you actually are. There's no better feeling in the world knowing you dont have to kill yourself to impress someone. Now you should write one of these every year to yourself and see how you're life has changed and if you've learned from your mistakes and what great accomplishments you've made. Or just to see what you got up to. Wishing you many happy returns, long life and good health

Your 21 year old self!

p.s. learn to do things when you are told and not when you feel like it!
p.p.s try and become fluent in french!

Friday, December 4, 2009


I got my first result back today and i got 63%, but i was pissed off for some reason. i know i sound ungrateful which i'm not, i'm delighted i passed, its just i lost marks for stuff i could have avoided. i know full well the next two will probably be around the same mark or below so i'm going to have to knock these exams out of the park. on that note the timetable is really good we have like 4 days between each paper so there's LOADS of time to study. Anyway i'm off to have some camomile tea and go to bed i've a busy busy weekend ahead of me


I'll be sick of this in two weeks

but its on full blast for the time being!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm awfully jealous of.....

Nicholas Hoult all of a sudden. I mean first he was in about a boy, then he went off and did skins, as polarised as it may have been it was a good show. Now he's off promoting A Single Man and you just know Tom Fords giving him freebies for all his press calls. He's living the life really

Just don't screw things up Nicky!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Keep on stepping and you'll be fine

I'm so excited for WAR this friday. Its gonna be a pillow fight/pyjama party.....this should be interesting!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


seriously! i tried my best to start this assignment on time. everyone in my class was printing their assignments out today and i'm STILL writing mine. its in at 2pm so that gives me 8 hours. God help me!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

today is a sad day!

danni why would you do that, like why? its not bad enough this years pool of 'talent' leave alot to be desired, but why would you make it even more unwatchable now? WHY

P.S. you looked nice last week

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Oh by the way

I'm officially obssessed with Black XS by Paco Robanne. I've always seen it whenever i'm walking through brown thomas on the way home but i stopped and smelt it today. I'm no olfactory expert so i cant go into detail about it but yeah its going on my list for santy!

he's on fire fire fire

Wow i had such a weird day today, but in a good way! Set my alarm for 11am but didnt get out of bed til like half one! went to town to hand out CV's then ended up going from shop to shop around the grafton street area to ask for samples for my business plan. Got some pretty good responses, but the only thing is i realised i wont be able to do this on my own! I was also supposed to go see new moon tonight but that didnt pan out. then i went to spy to book an area for my birthday, its booked for now but i dont know whether to throw some booze in with the reservation, maybe a few bottles of house wine. Ah well i've a week to sort it out. oh oh oh, we FINALLY got the boradband working in our house, too bad its so annoying. I dont even know if i set it up properly. To be honest i dont actually care, once i can check my emails and get stuff for my assignments-which following feedback from my marketing lecture is going in the right direction.But yeah productive friday, hopefully follwed by a productive saturday and sunday.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

speaking of vampires

i was sucked into watching twilight the other night. as cheesy as it is in some parts i totally get the robert pattinson thing. thank god for the movies because there's no way in hell i'm reading all of those books.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I actually feel like a vampire! there is no real reason for me to still be awake, seeing as i havent slept since saturday or something but maybe i just love letting you know whats going on in my life so much. Anyway yeah i did the assignment and turns out for handing it into the faculty it counts as a late submission. If i handed it after the lecturer took them up in class it would have been 5% but nooooo because i had to go to some little room where they love to play around with our degrees they took 10%. Just typical of griffith college. Cannot wait til i'm out of there. On the plus side it was a pretty savage assignment if i say so myself, even if i was almost 2000 words over the limit
Thinking War is order this friday to celebrate a job well done, even though i have two more to hand in!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


shit my laptop just cut out from overheating. and guess what, i STILL havent started that assignment.

24 and a bit hours to go


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Carolyn Burnham in 2012!

still havent done that strategic management assignment. its due in 48 hours. and its 3000 words.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


It's been a while since i've done one of these. Natalie Portman has always been hot.

She's also in Brothers later this year, i've seen the trailer....i smell a best supporting actress oscar nomination coming her way.

Heck with no hair on her head she still looks ridic!

more power to you natty

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

these bitches be FIRE!

go youtube their shit,amazeballs!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Say cocksucker and go to jail

thats basically what happened to lenny bruce. i should be asleep but i'm watching Lenny instead.

his oscar nomination that year was well deserved!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Come out with your hands up!

i'm sure i've said this before but in case i havent, i've semi lost interest in this course. i'm in my aunts house for the week so i can do all these assignments because my mum went ahead of herself and cancelled our inernet. i'll stop there before i go off on some tangent about my mother. but yeah the actual effort in this now. the only assignment i'm interested in would be the business plan, if it gts approved and buyer behaviour. there's plenty of room to waffle on in these.

yeah anyway War was good on friday, although we didnt really go into the room where it was on much, we were downstairs near the toilets for most of the night. foran was the only person who'd go up with me, he's always up for the sweatbox banter. again i planned for a chilled out night but then the lads got a round of this aged vodka thats like you know i was shagfaced in no time. and by the time we went back downstairs the birthday girl and most of our posse was gone. so me and foran ran to mcdonalds then legged it for the nitelink and fell asleep. i wanna go again this friday but my mum's back on the you're-going-out-too-much buzz, so i'm going to have to be crafty this week. ugh cannot wait for london next year!


Friday, November 6, 2009

you make this noise and its apparent its all over

i'm being trés anti-social tonight, i'm sitting in a toilet cubicle right now because the reception here is much better. We're hitting war for sarah's birthday, i've a feeling this'll be a messy night-i've loads of jaeger in my bag so you can guess what state i'll be in later. I handed in my business plan proposal yesterday and it hit me that i cant feck this year up because unlike 1st year and the two 2nd yrs these results matter. So o'm doing a plan on somethinf i'll actually want to research! Its assignment week starting monday so i'll power away at the three ones i've left. Ok gotta go because they're playing calvin harris. Smell you later


Monday, November 2, 2009

Sweetest Hangover

I feel like shit after the weekend. War was good on friday but it was kind of empty, but much better craic than le cirque that time i told you about. Did a bit of crouching tiger hidden naggin and the naggin just wouldnt finish, i had with me friday saturday and sunday-but i threw it away at that stage because the sight of it was making me dry heave. Saturday was so much fun, went to my friends house firts where she plied us with vodka and wispas, and it was like one of those nights where you plan on takinng it easy and then next thing you're off your face drunk, it was one of those nights. For once i planned something and it actually came to fruition...things are looking up. Well aside from the fact i've lik four 3000 word essays to write up that are due in 3 weeks or something.

Ps, i went pink for october, hope you did too!

Friday, October 30, 2009

you got me stuntin'

ok i could have sworn slava mogutin just walked by me there, it wouldnt surprise me...i've seen weirder things today. Anyway i'm just waiting for leila and her friend to get into town then off to war for us, finally. Hopefully it wont be like that time i went to le cirque, i doubt that because i always end up hammered when i go out with leila and everyone. Oh by the way i called the doctor and they said i'm fine but then it turn mum's got high cholesterol :( she'll be fine she's been thriugh worse. Well i'go now cuz they're on their way so i'll let you know how it wrnt. Also tomorrow is going to be super messy.....cannot WAIT!

disposable income

Let me just say, this was it was amazing. Now i know everyone wont be on the i love michael jackson train but from the footage i saw last night...michael jackson was a genius. From the effortless dancing to the attention to detail to the arrangements for the songs. That tour would have been epic. I saw him in 96 but even that wouldnt have come close to the spectacle that would have been. But back to me, still havent finished my costume, so i'm going with plan b...i wont say what plan b is in case someone copies me but hopefully people like it. Anyway i'm off to bed now because my eyes are heavy and my heads hurting me. Peace out

p.s. i kind of want one of those ridiculous balmain jackets now too!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

get your ticket right

the past two days in college have been strange, i actually gave a shit about what we were saying...well probably becuase i was listening for once. Who knew social class structures would be so interesting. The only bad thing is that for the other subject, strategiv management i need the internet and i've been reduced to using my phone instead of a computer-my mums decided to switch our internet service from irish broadband to VODAFONE of all companies....i dunno why she hates eircom so much! Anyway i'm getting ready to go see This Is It with my mum and sister, which i never would have done 5 years ago bit hey i've learned to appreciate those closest to me while i have them because just like michael i could be dead tomorrow. And on that cryptic note i'll catch you later

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Time travel for dummies

They said time travel was impossible, well we all technically just travelled an hour back in time. I'm sitting here flicking back and forth between 90210 and Angela's Ashes, and it gets me every time-i have it on dvd so shanae grimes wins this one. Still two minds about my costume for saturday but now i need glitter and glue, and possibly poster paint......and cat ears, if anyone knows where i can get the following, let me know. Goodnight and thank you

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Smile. Let them think you're happy

I saw this linked on someones facebook and i have to say it made my day- god love your one though! Well aside from X-factor and lunch with my aunt and her kids. Actually aside from not sleeping properly last night i've had a great day. Lord willing i'll have a good week, god knows i need it-i've SO much work to catch up on in college i actually dont want to think about it. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and i'm gobsmacked at how i've grown the past few years. Thinking a letter to myself is in order.

In other news, Halloween weekend is going to be FILTHY:

Thursday- American Apparel/SPY party (should be good enough)
Friday- WAR(i STILL havent been yet, better not fall through)
Saturday- TRANMISSION(havent been in an age and i cant wait!)

still dont know what to do for a costume, but found a cardboard box today so i'll start from there.

Ce de Safe!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Its all about Zara this winter!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I dunno why but i'm obssessed with Karen Elson all of a sudden. She has such pale skin, but against that red hair its amazing!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Joint Venture Policy

College is off to a flying start. Missed my first lecture because I just wasnt bothered getting out of bed at 07:45am! But here's the icing on the cake, when i finally managed to get to college thinking my next lecture was at 2, turns out i was half an hour late for the lecture, that started at half 1. Only then did i realise i was working off LAST YEARS timetable.

This years timetable isnt too bad either, im in at 3pm tuesday and thursdays so i can watch oprah haha. I'm actually in a lecture now and i havent a clue what you mans on about but i've decided i dont care. And i've also deecided this friday i'm dragging my friends to WAR. There's an urban outfitters party on before with free booze so here's to a real messy night.

p.s. i miss my classmates from last year :(

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The high performance vitamin

Damn the recession kicked ass this year, watching this thing on TV3 about people who lost their jobs during the recession but are fighting back. The poor guy who owned the mint, spent a mint only to have it close down a few months later. Ah well, just make smart moves people. Anyway, turns out i start college on monday, i've been under the impression that i had another two weeks to fart around but OH NO i'm back on the 21st.....BARF! So yeah that means i passed my august repeats, woooo, but my mum had to wreck that moment didnt she. She also had to wreck this morning-had a really productive day planned out but she kinda sorta pulled the rug up under that one because i was to pay my fee for college, go finish registration, have lunch with Leila and then get a haircut get a frappacino from starbucks and then go stock up on some magazines-i'm hoping they still have POP in Tower Records. But yeah i needed the giro from the fees to register but she said, and i quote, "are you stupid or something, I'M PAYING THE FEE FOR YOU!" in all fairness she has enough going for her right now, no thanks in part to my dad(but in retrospect its kind of her fault-and i'll explain that in another post, eventually) So yeah basically she was shouting down the phone at me so i hung up on her and have been ignoring/avoiding her like the plague all day. Its been a good hustle actually.

I dread to think how the next 8 months will be like, mainly because i;ve been losing my patience with my mum and sister and have developed a few nasty ways of dealing with said loss of patience-which is really annoying me because i've develpoed a way of dealing with stress and i'm not about to change that! So that added with the workload I have in front of me, i'm quite interested as to how the year will pan out. Oh yeah plus planning my 21st is way on the back burner but if anyone wants to throw me an idea or two i'll be dead happy.

Right i gotta go, i'm trying to get some sort of sleep hygiene going for myself, this whole sleeping at 04:56am is NOT on, i'm not about to fall asleep in any lectures this year....well not in the first week :P


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009


When Tom Ford stepped down as creative dicrector for Gucci and Ysl in 2004 he said he'd come back to direct films. I've literally been on imdb everyday sifting through boards hoping to see a trailer or picture for his movie, A Single Man. Just saw the trailer and its looks amazing! I smell an oscar nomination for Julianne Moore. Check it out for yourself:,CmC=2844006.html


Chapter One. He was as tough and romantic as the city he loved. Beneath his black-rimmed glasses was the coiled sexual power of a jungle cat. I love this. New York was his town, and it always would be...

Manhattan, by Woody Allen

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Congratulations to Speech Debelle on winning the Mercury Prize 2009. She's bringing old skool hip hop back....WORD!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I'll be working on a little project real soon and i'd love for some of you creative people out there to give me a hand. Don't have a date set in stone when your contributions will be needed but the project should be completed by next summer.

*watch this space*


you probably havent heard of her, but she was in frost/nixon, the prestige, vicky cristina barcelona and you'll see her in Dorian Gray. anyway she's a great actress and a looker to boot!


Don't wait up

I love how I end up staying out til all hours when i say to my mum i'll be back by 9. Went to see my friend Louise off to her debs at like 6pm or something, and that was the last time i was sober that night. Ended up having some drinks with her parents, while she'd been gone a few hours, then back to scotts for a while. By 3am we were all naked playing poker in his kitchen and had polished of a litre of vodka a litre of coconut rum and a litre of rilinka-i'm guessing that was rum. Long story short i was in bits the next day and made a good attempt at the longest time spent in bed. Such a good though, another 2 weeks of that carry on and i'd have a had a half decent summer.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Good evening everybody, and the headlines tonight....

I've finally decided to get my tattoo, i've no money right now but it'll definately be this year. Probably as my birthday present to myself. This week's been useless in all fairness, i went out thursday night and got home at like 03:25am. The next day my mum flipped out about me coming home after midnight and that she wants it to stop. So i basically told her the sooner she gets over her problem with me coming home after midnight, the sooner she'l have one less problem for herself. The way i see it rather than fight something you cant change, learn to accept it and move on with your life. She has ENOUGH problems in her life to bother about something as trivial as that.

In other news, I got 2 books about the oscars on ebay, they'll be in next week hopefully. I find the whole history of cinema fascinating and i'm going to read up as much as i can about it. Truth be told i'm hoping to do drama in new York next year...if anyone knows a liberal arts college where they offer Business and Drama as a Masters you'd be helping out in a BIG way!What else, oh yeah i saw how shitty the Dollar is against the euro-$10000 got me €6993 or there about, and that just about covered my fees and other shit. Also i need to get my ass a job, there's soooooooo much shit i've seen but my mums stopped giving me as much money as she used to, i'd like to blame my sister for that but i guess i've only myself to blame(i've to learn how to manage my money!!!!)

Other than that nothings really happened this week, just gone. Hopefully this week, starting tomorrow, picks up and something worthwhile happens.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I never realised just how beautiful the Harlem Renaissance was. The clothes, the music, the slang. THE COTTON CLUB! And i also realised zoe saldana is a beaut!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

ATHLONE, i love you but you're killing me

wow! and i thought dublin was bad! although i'm sure there are some LOVELY people there.

still havent made that list :-s

Thursday, August 20, 2009

For Sale

If money were no object i'd snap this little diddy up in no time. Seeing as it is, i'll just have wait a while before pay the £8,500,000 asking price. Thats for two bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms no less-how the hell does one have half a bathroom?!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Its a sign of the times when Kristen Stewart makes the cover of Dazed and Confused.

And whats worse i hate that i love those last 2 pictures!

Who's next....Miley Cyrus?

[photos from]

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bonita Applebum you gotta put me on

It doesnt get much better really. Tribe Called Quest on a Carly Simon sample.

Had an interesting week, i'll fill you in tomorrow. Also i'm going to make out a list of what i want to do next year, and i'd appreciate your help with tips and advice on how i'll get everything done.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009




These are going on my christmas wishlist, santa/my dad better have these under the tree come december!

I remember posting about Basquiat a few months ago.

At least this time i can afford a Basquiat :P


If it wasnt for him there'd be no breakfast club, we wouldnt have blown out sixteen candles, and we woouldnt have been left home alone! John Hughes epitomised 8o's teen comedies and 90's family movies. May he rest in Peace

Friday, August 7, 2009


Today i give you, Amanda Moore.

She's been around for a while

but lately, she's kind of disappeared

She used to do Gucci and Ysl alot back in 2002

Tom Ford sure knew how to pick them!


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