Saturday, May 30, 2009


Today i give you Joan Holloway

She isn't a real person, but Christina Hendricks does a damn good job bringing her to life!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Say it aint so

First I read Christian Lacroix filed for bankruptcy. Then i see this

Seriously, as soon as i'm of the country the best things happen. Ugggggggh

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Tom Hulce as Mozart is brilliant but the movie BELONGS to F. Murray Abraham as Salieri! Go watch, its amazing!

Like OMG!

"Absense is to love what wind is to fire. If its a small fire it puts it out. But if its a great fire, it intensifies it".

Pretty deep shit right. Even weirder is that was on 'The City' last night. Whitney was all upset and Diane Von Furstenberg told her that. She also said "the single greatest relationship you will ever have is with yourself. When everyone leaves you you're left with yourself, so learn how to love you". It was along those lines anyway. How true is that though, people will come in and out of your life but your stuck with yourself forever. I've always been kind of self critical, and lately i'm way too self aware for my own good. so i think now that i'll have time to myself i'll accept myself for who i am. start to appreciate the things i never liked about myself.

thanks diane!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"At a certain part in your life, probably when too much of it has gone by, you will open your eyes and see yourself for who you are"

I think i'll put that as a footer...can someone show me how to do that please! in other news, i'm off to my aunt house in a few minutes yay. But my cousin wants her ipod back


Monday, May 25, 2009


I think i've got it


He's a maniac, MANIAC on the floor

They say "idle hands are the devils playground", or at least thats how i think the saying goes. Anyways, ever find yourself so bored you cant quite figure out what to do? A smart person would read a book, or develop a new habit of some sort. What do i do? Go buy myself a Balmain suit jacket of course. Seriously i found myself randomly typing things into the ebay search bar and bidding on some crap i dont need, although i must say the jacket is fly-i don't usually use that word but, hey its a nice jacket.

Its a 38R so it might be a bit big...anyone know how to alter jackets???

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Don't wake me up if i'm dreaming

Ever have one of those dreams where you can swear its ACTUALLY real but then something happens and you know for a fact its a dream. Well i had one of them last night, and it was really odd. I dreamt i was at the Cannes film festival-soon it wont be a dream, mark my words. SO anyways, you know the whole Cannes things, lights, camera flashes, enough diamonds to put De Beers to shame, louboutins etc etc. I was on the red carpet with some woman i recognised but couldnt quite put my finger on who it was, until Robert Pattinson of all people came up and started chatting to me and my date-to whom i was the date..if you get what i mean. So yeah we're there chatting away like we're besties and next thing sharon stone saunters over and like gives me this hug that was more like a rugby tackle and was all 'sweetie its been too long'. This went on for a while, with other celebs taking sharons place. Then i realised i was wearing what i wore to bed, i.e my russel athletic jumper and some comic book boxers, but i had on grey timberland boots as well. Then this is where it got a bit sad. I was Natatsha Richardson's date. But i didnt cop that until she walked away to go up stairs to the bar, but by the time i realised who it was i woke up and felt really really sad for some reason. I mean i never knew Natasha personally but through the dream i felt i did, then i felt really sad about her death. But then the weirdest thing was that despite the fact i was in my skivvy's i felt real comfortable at Cannes mmingling with R-Patz and Sharon and co.

Then on tonights dashboard i see pelayo diaz was actually at Cannes with the Dsquared family, as he calls them...the lucky git! Which reminds me, go buy he Wood, its smells UNREAL!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yes I'm in this age, but i'm not of your time cause i'm ageless

I bet none of you remember Animorphs, but if you do you'd more than likely recognise this guy

Its so weird how he hasn't aged one bit! Whats even weirder is he has an identical twin brother Aaron

I thought Shawn was in Smallville, but it turns out it was Aaron. But then i didnt even know Aaron exsisted until 5 minutes ago thanks to imdb. So all along i thought Shawn was the hardest working never aging actor in Hollywood, but then it turns out his brothers been all the places i thought he was. Ok that made no sense but if you take one big breath and say it real fast it probably will.

And on that note i'll shut up


Friday, May 22, 2009


I'm all for celebretiy appearances in videos but this is just weird. How the hell does RON HOWARD know T-pain and Jamie Foxx? And is that Katherine Heigl i see?? Other than that its a pretty good song

Tell me your secrets

Can you go a day without laughing?:
nope, i laugh at everything and at the most inappropriate times too!

Do you have your period right now?:
no i'm a guy..but is it true guys have that time of the month where they're moody and irritable?

What currently hurts the most?:
my throat o_0

When was the last time you were on MySpace?:
like 5 mins ago

How many siblings do you have?:
1, i wish i had more though so i'm not the youngest

Who are you crushing on?:

And where are they right now?:
they're house i guess

Do you work? If so, where?:

What is your intake on abortion?:
i'd rather stay out of that decision

What is your least favorite music genre?:

What is your favorite TV show?:

If you got the chance to go to the moon, would you?:
yep and build a nightclub and call it MOONSHINE or something cheesy

If you have a dog(s) what are their name(s)?:
no pets, i had one once and she was called goldie

Do you watch America's Best Dance Crew?:
once by mistake

What is your favorite song at the moment?:
Bonnie and Shyne by Shyne-the la vie en rose hook is ridic

Favorite holiday?:

Have you ever spent the night at the hospital?:

What are your biggest phobias?:
dying painfully

What was the last thing you made in the kitchen?:
spaghetti pesto with lemon and garlic prawns

Do you think that you can chose who you want to love?:
of course, some people love pets, as in LOVE them biblically.

Would you date someone right now if they asked?
i'm going this weekend i think

Is there a meaning behind your profile song?
it changes from time to time

Do you have a best friend?
i'm not sure because my close friends always do something to make me question the 'best' in best friends

Ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home?
a few times i think

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
yes, emotionally

Do you give out second chances too easily?
yeah i guess

Where is one place you want to visit?
Figi or Rio

Do you like hugs or do you freak when people hug you?
i dont mind, but i give crap hugs back apparently

Done anything illegal lately?
hope not

Who do you like?
Daria Werbowy or James Franco

Are you a tease?
i'm too self conscious to be one

What did you do yesterday?
made fun of my mum and tried to pack

Where did you sleep last night?
mo leaba

Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now?
not that i know of, i usually deal with my emotions there and then

Was it a boy or a girl you texted last?

Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
normal if i had to

When was the last time you had starbucks?
a while ago, i'm over my starbucks phase

Are you currently wanting any body piercings or tattoos?
yes but cant decide where to get it

Do you sleep on your stomach?
my stomach

Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?

Are you ticklish?
a bit too ticklish for my liking

Have you ever been given roses?
if your on about the sweets then yeah

What's your current problem?
finish packing and find out when i'm going/coming back

Where was your default pic taken?
antics on new years eve

Angry at anyone?
my dad, this suspense thing is annoying!

Who would you do anything for?
my mum and my sister i guess

Are you happy with your life?
35% happy

Can you talk to people about anything?
depends who

Have you ever kissed in the rain?
no i dont like getting wet

What should you be doing right now?

Plans for today?
activate my paypal, haircut, pack, cut the grass, dishes, some laundry, clean my room and a 21st if i'm not mistaken, or maybe that next week

What are you thinking of right now?
if i'll back back in time for greece!

Who was the last person you told "I love you" to?
i dunno, i rarely say it...even to my mum!

Do you hate anyone?
not intentionally

Who was the last person who yelled at you?
my mum for scaring was hilarious though!

What is your natural hair colour?
dirty blonde

Do you have alcohol hidden in your room?
yep...anyone want some jager??

Would you rather get a million dollars, or find a cure for cancer?
the cure for sure!

Where is your best friend right now?
in bed touching himself if i know him well

Are you planning on going to college?
just finished my first year

How old is the first person on your top friends?

Could you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else?
if i'd live after then why not

What do your friends call you?
token >:[

Last time you went to the movies, was it packed or were there barely any people there?
sorta empty, for a zac efron movie

What did you see anyways? Would you recommend it?
17 again. it was good for a cheap laugh so why not

Where is the weirdest place that you've lost a tooth?
in the locker room during training or in a sandwich

When you're in a car with a friend, do you two blare music or actually talk to each other?
music is always at a respectable level to facilitate conversation

Do you and your significant other finish each others' sentences constantly?
i dont have one

Is your best friend a virgin?
i doubt it, he'd do anything with legs and a pulse

Do you have any secrets about yourself that absolutely nobody would even believe?
nope, i'm quite boring!

Do any of your siblings do illegal things?
i highly doubt it

If your brother/sister got drunk, would you snitch on them to your parents?
no she doesnt drink

What books have you read lately?
hal read a million little pieces, but i'm starting Lunar Park once it comes in the post

Are you worried about anyone right now?
yes, and i hope he's ok :[

Is your significant other's room clean?
did i not say i dont have one, god kick me while i'm done why dont you!

What is the worst thing your best friend has done?
threw a used condom into our friends kitchen sink during said friends 18th, i cant say for sure because i was passed out upstairs beside the bday boy...get you're head out of the gutter!

Have you ever had a stuttering problem?

Do you ever wish you could have a personal body guard to take with you when you go places?
i'd hate to be in a position to need one

When was the last time someone unexpectedly showed up at your house to see you?
i dont know, they're never in my house

Is anything changing between you and your best friends?
we don't see each other much

Thursday, May 21, 2009

You're tearing me apart!

Back in 2nd year in secondary school i'd hear people going on about Rebel without a cause and be like 'oh that movie, its ancient why bother watching it'. 8 years later and i think i've found my summer obssession!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Ok i'm going a bit overboard with the posts tonight. Anyway.

I give you Behati. Behati Prinsloo....isnt that just the coolest name! She's from Namibia and she's with Supreme in New York, Storm in London, Marylin in Paris and D'management in Milan.

Aint she purty!

They don't make 'em like this anymore

Fuck the POlice

So i was bored yesterday and went on ebay and set out to find the most random things for sale. Clothes wise that is, you can get whatever you want on ebay...if you look hard enough. Aaaaaaanyways, after a few minutes of searching I found this:

It was from the Valentino's autumn/winter 2006-2007 collection. There was a whole section of prints from Basquiat.

Basquiat was a Haitian American artist who came to fame during the 80's, he also hung out with Andy Warhol from time to time. Alot of these young New York types are doing pieces that seem inspired by Basquiat, like Brian Kenny and Gio Black Peter but they've a while yet before they get to his level, or price bracket- Lars Ulrich sold a piece by Basquiat for almost $14million. Here are some pieces that stand out for me

Such a shame how he died though, he died from an overdose after speedballing. I guess the 80's were a little too excessive for some. He may be gone but his influence lives on.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bad Boy For Life

First of all, FUCK ebay! What's with the automatic bids? Some fucker outbid me for pretty much every back issue of Arena Homme Plus, it went from 0.99- 42 in like 90 seconds, and they were all automatic bids. That wouldnt happen in a real auction, surely...i smell collusion somewhere.

Anyway i've been listening to my ipod today, on shuffle and like every song that plays is by Bad Boy artists, Mase, Puffy, B.I.G., Total, 112, Shyne. And i just realised something. Bad Boy kicked ass in the 90's. The beats were on point, the rhymes were slick, the clothes were fly-they created ghetto fab after all! But yeah if you ever want a good tune to listen to check out the bad boy discography on wikipedia, pick a song from any artist and i dare you to listen to it and not tap your feet!

So i'm almost done packing, just need to iron everything. BARF! I still havent a clue when i'm actually going, i've a feeling i'll wake up tomorrow and get a call from my dad saying my flights 2 hours from when he hangs up. I hate how i've no choice in this, as per usual, but i'll get mine back when i'm over there!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

In V we trust

V59 is out and its banging! The supers are back and they mean business.

They kinda remind me of the Gloria Vanderbilt ads they all did


I've been in love with V for ages, and Vman always has something nice to look at but they're NOTHING compared to VISIONAIRE. Every few months they release a new issue and it never fails to disappoint. The last issue looked amazing and so does the new one.Visionaire 56 Solar is a collaboration with Calvin Klien Collection with pieces by Inez and Vinoodh, David Sims, Peter Lindbergh, Ryan McGinley, Mert and Marcus...the list goes on really. Its printed on this fabric that stays white indoor lighting but turns different colors when its in direct contact with sunlight. Its actually amazing. Here's a look at some of the pictures:

Think i know what i want from santa this year!



Is it too much to ask for a decent conversation. I cant stand when you meet up with your friend and you have nothing to say, or find yourself saying the same thing over and over. OR when the other person is texting and leaves you talking to yourself.....I HATE THAT! I'm not saying i want a Bill O'Reilly style conversation with a person, mainly because he always pisses his guests off, but at least have something more to talk about than the big dump you had this morning or what you've decided to call you penis! I mean honestly, thats not something you share with a person, no matter how close you are.

Oh i finally managed to get my suitcases out of the attic, there werent as many as i though but mother of pearl the amount of fiberglass that was on them. Its all over me now as well and i'm all itchy. Just hope none gets in my eye. Oh and the british embassy so soundly denied my visa-apparently 11 previous visa's dont count nowadays. Just means i've to fly through Amsterdam now, just hope they have some cool shops in the airport, i was so looking forward to heathrow. Its like grafton street in a nice little package! I need a messy night before i head off though, so here's hoping WAR is on this week or something good is on in button factory on saturday.

i forgot how good this song was!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Damn it

Its 04:00am and i just fell off a ladder trying to get my suitcases from the attic. Clearly not going back up there any time soon, my mum's just going to have to shimmy her way up there and throw them down to me and i can make a move with packing. I've half sorted out what i need to throw in the wash and some shoes i'll take but there's still a few more things to sort out, like ironing all my kaftans-you'd want to see the size of one of them, i might take a few pics actually.

So i hate to admit this but i've been sucked into watching gossip girl again. I first jumped on that bus last year with one of my college friends-you know back when you could ACTUALLY watch a whole tv series online for free! Then i gave up after lik 4 episodes because i felt it lacked authenticity, but then i was watching it again and realised something. Screw realism! The shows all about taking a romp through the lives of these upper east siders. The story takes a while to pick up but when it does its actually great to watch, condsidering there isnt much to do on a monday night! Plus they've some pretty sweet clothes on show, and its the cheapest way to take a trip to new york-that or watch a few woody allen movies. God i miss new york, i'm kicking myself for wasting all the time i spent there.

i really should make a plan for the next few days because i don't want to leave in a last minute rush and realise i've forgotten something when i'm like 50000000000miles away in abuja!

Monday, May 11, 2009

His and Hers

I've never really inderstood the whole concept of 'his and hers'. Fair enough guys can be a tad messier than girls but really two different sinks in the bathroom-which probably adds €50,000 to the price of a house! Right this isnt going to be a post about property, because i could go on and on about property(i'm thinking i'll do estate agency and auctioneering after i finish my course now), i just want to talk about his and hers perfumes. Before i go on a mad rant about CKone and other his and hers perfumes/aftershaves, i'll get to the point.

How amazing are the Gucci by Gucci ads. Here's the womens ad, shot by the genius that is David Lynch starring Raquel Zimmerman(who's one of my favorite models) Natasha Poly and Freja Ericsson

And here's the mens ad shot by Jan Wentz, starring James Franco

30 seconds isnt enough for James....

just saying!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bumper to Bumper

I was reading that last post and realised i sorta stopped abruptly. Apologies for that, if i remember correctly i started crying after i stopped. It all just hit me at once, and then the other day walking back from my shed i couldn't look over to his house like i usually do because knowing that he isn't there anymore was too painful to confront. Him and his brother are like brothers, i dont talk to his brother much any more but that doesnt change how i feel. I honestly think what happened has given me that push to i dunno restart our friendship, i havent a clue where to start but from talking to him in the house it won't be too hard-he's still the nicest person like. I'll let you know how it goes in due course.

On another completely different topic bumper 2 bumper is on tonight and just like last year i didnt go. Weirdly enough it rained last year and its raining now, well kinda. I don't really mind though i'll just listen to it on the radio. I still dont know when i'm off home, but i'm hearing talk its next week at some point...SKAG. I really should start packing though, but i dont know where to start. Meh whatever i'll get mommy dearest to do it for me.
