Friday, May 22, 2009

Tell me your secrets

Can you go a day without laughing?:
nope, i laugh at everything and at the most inappropriate times too!

Do you have your period right now?:
no i'm a guy..but is it true guys have that time of the month where they're moody and irritable?

What currently hurts the most?:
my throat o_0

When was the last time you were on MySpace?:
like 5 mins ago

How many siblings do you have?:
1, i wish i had more though so i'm not the youngest

Who are you crushing on?:

And where are they right now?:
they're house i guess

Do you work? If so, where?:

What is your intake on abortion?:
i'd rather stay out of that decision

What is your least favorite music genre?:

What is your favorite TV show?:

If you got the chance to go to the moon, would you?:
yep and build a nightclub and call it MOONSHINE or something cheesy

If you have a dog(s) what are their name(s)?:
no pets, i had one once and she was called goldie

Do you watch America's Best Dance Crew?:
once by mistake

What is your favorite song at the moment?:
Bonnie and Shyne by Shyne-the la vie en rose hook is ridic

Favorite holiday?:

Have you ever spent the night at the hospital?:

What are your biggest phobias?:
dying painfully

What was the last thing you made in the kitchen?:
spaghetti pesto with lemon and garlic prawns

Do you think that you can chose who you want to love?:
of course, some people love pets, as in LOVE them biblically.

Would you date someone right now if they asked?
i'm going this weekend i think

Is there a meaning behind your profile song?
it changes from time to time

Do you have a best friend?
i'm not sure because my close friends always do something to make me question the 'best' in best friends

Ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home?
a few times i think

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
yes, emotionally

Do you give out second chances too easily?
yeah i guess

Where is one place you want to visit?
Figi or Rio

Do you like hugs or do you freak when people hug you?
i dont mind, but i give crap hugs back apparently

Done anything illegal lately?
hope not

Who do you like?
Daria Werbowy or James Franco

Are you a tease?
i'm too self conscious to be one

What did you do yesterday?
made fun of my mum and tried to pack

Where did you sleep last night?
mo leaba

Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now?
not that i know of, i usually deal with my emotions there and then

Was it a boy or a girl you texted last?

Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
normal if i had to

When was the last time you had starbucks?
a while ago, i'm over my starbucks phase

Are you currently wanting any body piercings or tattoos?
yes but cant decide where to get it

Do you sleep on your stomach?
my stomach

Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?

Are you ticklish?
a bit too ticklish for my liking

Have you ever been given roses?
if your on about the sweets then yeah

What's your current problem?
finish packing and find out when i'm going/coming back

Where was your default pic taken?
antics on new years eve

Angry at anyone?
my dad, this suspense thing is annoying!

Who would you do anything for?
my mum and my sister i guess

Are you happy with your life?
35% happy

Can you talk to people about anything?
depends who

Have you ever kissed in the rain?
no i dont like getting wet

What should you be doing right now?

Plans for today?
activate my paypal, haircut, pack, cut the grass, dishes, some laundry, clean my room and a 21st if i'm not mistaken, or maybe that next week

What are you thinking of right now?
if i'll back back in time for greece!

Who was the last person you told "I love you" to?
i dunno, i rarely say it...even to my mum!

Do you hate anyone?
not intentionally

Who was the last person who yelled at you?
my mum for scaring was hilarious though!

What is your natural hair colour?
dirty blonde

Do you have alcohol hidden in your room?
yep...anyone want some jager??

Would you rather get a million dollars, or find a cure for cancer?
the cure for sure!

Where is your best friend right now?
in bed touching himself if i know him well

Are you planning on going to college?
just finished my first year

How old is the first person on your top friends?

Could you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else?
if i'd live after then why not

What do your friends call you?
token >:[

Last time you went to the movies, was it packed or were there barely any people there?
sorta empty, for a zac efron movie

What did you see anyways? Would you recommend it?
17 again. it was good for a cheap laugh so why not

Where is the weirdest place that you've lost a tooth?
in the locker room during training or in a sandwich

When you're in a car with a friend, do you two blare music or actually talk to each other?
music is always at a respectable level to facilitate conversation

Do you and your significant other finish each others' sentences constantly?
i dont have one

Is your best friend a virgin?
i doubt it, he'd do anything with legs and a pulse

Do you have any secrets about yourself that absolutely nobody would even believe?
nope, i'm quite boring!

Do any of your siblings do illegal things?
i highly doubt it

If your brother/sister got drunk, would you snitch on them to your parents?
no she doesnt drink

What books have you read lately?
hal read a million little pieces, but i'm starting Lunar Park once it comes in the post

Are you worried about anyone right now?
yes, and i hope he's ok :[

Is your significant other's room clean?
did i not say i dont have one, god kick me while i'm done why dont you!

What is the worst thing your best friend has done?
threw a used condom into our friends kitchen sink during said friends 18th, i cant say for sure because i was passed out upstairs beside the bday boy...get you're head out of the gutter!

Have you ever had a stuttering problem?

Do you ever wish you could have a personal body guard to take with you when you go places?
i'd hate to be in a position to need one

When was the last time someone unexpectedly showed up at your house to see you?
i dont know, they're never in my house

Is anything changing between you and your best friends?
we don't see each other much

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